Chapter 6

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Once me and Nick reached the mess hall, he kissed my cheek again and ran off to the other counsellors to find out what happened because apparently something happened with Nurse Lane and Tommy. Ziggy stood next to me as we watched the aftermath as Nurse Lane was carried away on a stretcher as Tommy and Cindy were being questioned by the police. I was then shoved in the shoulder by Sheila

"Hey witch, so sorry, I know you 2 and nurse psycho were close, I guess you can visit her in jail now" Sheila tormented us and I tried to keep my cool

"Fuck off sheila, I'm not in the mood" I said as I looked at her

"By the way, you might want to check your stuff, I think there was an accident in cabin 5" she said as I stormed off on my own, walking past Nick who looked at me concerned but didn't follow me. I walked into the cabin and my jaw dropped to the floor as all my bed was torn up and loads of messages, calling me a witch and everything else they could call me. I instantly ran to my bag, trying to find the necklace that dad gave me but it was missing. I instantly got upset as it was the last thing he gave me, a couple of tears fell down my face as I got up, having an idea and started to storm towards the arts and crafts area where Ziggy was. I grabbed red paint while Ziggy looked at me confused and slightly worried but then Cindy walked inn

"What are you doing?" She asked me while I sighed throwing my head back

"Art project" I made up while she gave me a warning look

"I need to talk to you" she said which made me confused as to why because I hadn't done anything wrong

"She's not in the mood" Ziggy tried for me and I smiled at her as she walked out the art room and towards the mess hall

"Earlier you did Mary was upset" she started which made me angrier as now she decided to give a shit since her and her precious boyfriend was involved

"Oh So now you give a shit?" I asked her, sarcasm thick within the sentence and she sighed, getting annoyed with me already

"Lizzy this is serious" she said while looking at me like I was the one who had done something wrong by not helping her

"It was serious earlier but you didn't give 2 living fucks then because it didn't involve you or your perfect boyfriend" I ranted while turning around back to my paint pot, picking it up and walking out the arts and crafts cabin

"Come on Lizzy, you were the last person to see her before she snapped" she said while I still couldn't give a fuck as I walked back towards my cabin to get on with my plan

"What about drugs? Did you see any around?" She asked and I thought how dumb my sister could be sometimes because she was a nurse

"She's a nurse so yep" I said while swinging the paint and the bucket in my hands as I walked

"Did you see anything or?" She asked further as I started getting angrier

"Nope" I answered simply, wanting her to shut up and leave me alone

"Lizzy I'm just trying to understand what happened today" she tried to justify herself while I rolled my eyes

"Who cares Cindy? It's over so get over it" I said, telling her how it is

"Not for tommy, he's still freaked out and acting weird and it's just a big joke to everyone, Mary's possessed by the witch" she ranted while I froze slightly I officially hate that word at this point

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