Chapter 15

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After a long day of dealing with kids who were either sad in general or sad about Heather, it turned 3 o'clock and I sighed grabbing my bag and my books, making my way way to the car. I saw Emilia talking to a boy around her age so I waited until she made her way over to the car

"So who was that?" I asked when she got in the car

"His name is Josh, he is only a friend and we have the same interests" she said while I looked at the road as I drove Emilia home

"As long as you have a friend, I don't mind because you can't spend all your days with me Emilia" I said as she looked at me, slightly confused

"Why not? I like hanging out with you mum" she said as I looked at her briefly then pulling up to our house. I turned the car off and then turned to her

"Emilia hunny I love spending time with you and you know I do but you're gonna get to a age where you want to have people similar to your age" I explained but she nodded, understanding but still looking worried

"But what about you? What will you do mum?" She asked and I smiled at her, pushing a stray hair out of her face

"Hey don't worry about me. I have your auntie Ziggy and your dad is determined to make us both work, either way I'll figure something out so don't worry bout me" I reassured her and she nodded, grabbing both of our bags from the backseat. I locked up the car and walked inside. I had an hour until I needed to leave. I walked into my room, Ziggy already being there, having picked out my outfit *pic above* and I put my hair into a decent style *pic above* as I looked at Ziggy

"Well?" I asked while she smiled

"Perfect Lizzy, Nick will love it" She said and I smiled, smacking her arm lightly and then thought of the conversation earlier between me and nick

"Zig?" I asked while she turned to face me

"What is she?" She asked while I gave her an unsure look which worried her slightly and made her turn serious

"Do you really think me and Nick could actually work?" I asked which caused her to sigh and look at me

"If he really wants you and wants to make it work then I believe it could because I know you love him and since he's took every chance possible to try and see you and he also gives you gifts every Monday and on your birthday and Christmas, I believe that actually for these 16 years, he's loved you too" she said truthfully which made me smile but then I saw the time

"Oh shit" I whispered and pulled on my trainers and grabbed my car keys off the counter

"Emilia" I called out and she ran out to me, I opened my arms as she ran into them and I gave her a big hug

"Be good and look after your aunt, I shouldn't be too long but I'll be as quick as I can ok?" I told her as I knew she would worry about me. She nodded, satisfied with my answer and I kissed the top of her head

"See you later Zig, make sure you eat" I called out as she shouted something back which I didn't understand so I just walked to my car and started it up. I drove through shadyside and Sunnyvale until I reached the football grounds. I parked up and got out my car

"You still have this car?" A voice said from behind me and I saw Nick standing there with his brother, Will and his wife, Becky, one of Sheila's friends from camp

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