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Felix's POV

"Why is Yeona and Hyunjin together again?"

"The assignment. Remember? They are partners" Ayumi answered while eating the chocolate bar

"Ah, I see. Anyway, let's go"

"Felix? Aren't you and Ayumi going with us?" Haeun asked

"Maybe next time. I still have things to do"

"Oh, okay. Take care you two" Aera said, Changbin's girlfriend

"Bye!" Ayumi said and waved her hands to them

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and left the classroom "I didn't saw you acting so bubbly in front of Kiara earlier. What happened?"

"I just hate her. It feels like she is playing with Seungmin or using him for something" Ayumi

"What made you say that?"

"You didn't saw it but Kiara was ignoring Seungmin when we are not paying attention. Seungmin tried to hold her hand but she avoided it. Then Seungmin tried to kiss her but she avoided again. Seungmin wants to drive her home but she said she has a family dinner. Are those enough evidence?" Ayumi

"Well... You do have a good sense. I never noticed it but I don't like Kiara in the first place. I just hate her. There is something that tells me to hate her even more"

"See? We both hate her. Besides, Seungmin deserves the best. He is an ideal type and there is one girl who will be really feel happy to be his girlfriend. He is just... Uh... He is kind of stupid to choose a girl who doesn't see his worth" Ayumi

"You know a lot of things"

She chuckled.

She was right when she saw Seungmin is stupid when he chose Kiara when there is probably one girl who really loves him and will know his worth. Unlike that spoiled brat, she just wants some attention.

As we arrived at the parking lot, we saw Hyunjin's car driving out of the school.

"Are they going to Yeona's house?"

"That can't be. She doesn't want anyone to go there" Ayumi


"I don't know. I can't say it even if I know. She will hate me if ever I try to spill anything about her" Ayumi said and got in my car

I got in my car and drove it to Ayumi's house. I held her hand while driving. She is not even shocked and kept watching on her phone.

"Do you watch porn?"

"Ask me if I kill" Ayumi

"Crazy. I was just asking. Who doesn't watch porn?"

"Me" Ayumi

"That's what I am about to say"

Ayumi laughed at me and continued watching on her phone "My brother wants to meet you"

It felt like my world is about to end when I heard her say those. I feel nervous and thrilled. The fuck? It's not so like me.

"Do I have to?"

"Yeah, they kept whining about it. You only met Juyeon but not the two" Ayumi

"Hmm... Can you dial Jeongin's number for me?"

She nodded and dialed Jeongin's number. She connected it to my car's speaker.

calling Jeongin...

"Jeongin, can you do me a favor?"

[I thought it was Ayumi who wants to ralk to me. Anyway, what is about?]

"There is some important business I have to do. Can you pick up Keyzi at my Aunt's house? I'll send you the address of the apartment you need to bring Keyzi at. Also, can you take care of the apartment? I might be home late. I'll send you the passcode, you change it. Then the things from the mansion were delivered earlier. I'll send the apartment owner to let you and Keyzi in"

[Alright. Just make sure that they will let me in or I will make a scene there]

"Yeah" I ended the call as we arrived at Ayumi's house

"Let's go" Ayumi said and got out of the car

Fuck. Let me calm down first. This is not the thing I want to happen. I thought I am done with this since I talked to Juyeon.

I followed her inside while holding her hand and hiding behind her like a kid.

"We are here" Ayumi announced

"Do you have to announce?"

She nodded "Can't I?"

"Hey- Who the hell is he?" a guy asked as he came out of the kitchen

"Don't scare him, Sangyeon. He is Felix"  Ayumi

"What's your intention? Huh?" Sangyeon asked

"We don't accept visitors at night. You forgot?" another guy asked

"This is Hyunjae the second oldest and Sangyeon the eldest of all" Ayumi introduced

I bowed "I am Lee Felix. Ayumi's boyfriend-"

"Says who?" Sangyeon


"Don't be scared of them. I am more scary than them" Juyeon said as he entered the house "Is the dinner ready?"

"Not yet" Hyunjae

"Let's prepare it. Let the two be alone there" Juyeon

"Alone? You don't know if that guy will kiss Ayumi behind our backs" Sangyeon

"That's a normal thing for a couple to do. They are in a relationship. Do you expect them to play sands?" Juyeon said

"But-" Hyunjae

Juyeon dragged the two inside the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about that. They are just kidding you" Ayumi

"Well... They scared me"

"They did? Hahaha" Ayumi pinched my cheeks

"What if they won't like me? Hyunjin said before that he met your brothers and they are close to him. What if they like Hyunjin more than me?"

"You are my boyfriend. They respect that" Ayumi

"How sure you-"

She kissed me "Is that enough answer?"

More than enough.

A Perfect Boyfriend | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now