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Felix's POV

"Can you hug me for the last time? I won't bother you anymore after that. I promise"

Ayumi is hesitating.


Ayumi took a step forward and hugged me as tight as she can.

"I love you, Ayumi. You will always be my universe"

"I love you Felix even if it hurts. I still love you and that won't change" she said and started crying

"Remember what I told you?" I asked and let go of the hug

Ayumi looked at me with teary eyes.

I wiped her tears "I want you to be happy even if it's not with me"

She started crying while looking at me. I held her hand and smiled at her. I know she wants us to be together but it's impossible to be happy without getting hurt after knowing what happened in the past.

"Go inside. It's late. You should take a rest-"

She kissed me passionately.

I can see her tears flowing from her eyes.

She let go first and looked down "I still want you to be happy no matter what happens"

"I will be happy if that's what you want" I wiped her tears and smiled at her "Can you promise to open your heart to someone else?"

She didn't answer.

"Go inside. Have a rest, love"

She nodded and smiled at me. She started walking away from me. Damn. I know this hurts but I am happy that we said everything to each other...

I just have to stand here and watch her walk away from me.

I guess this is the last time I will see her.

She looked at me with teary eyes.

I smiled and nodded "Go on"

She started crying again.

I went to her and hugged her tight "Don't cry. You are making it hard for the both of us. Go inside. I will leave now"

She hugged me even tighter "I love you, Felix. I always will"

I let go of the hug and smiled "Go inside"

She nodded and went inside. I went to my car and at the same time her brothers went out. They were smiling at me. I know that they investigated about the death of their Father. Why are they not mad at me?

"I'm sorry"

"It's all in the past now. If there is someone we have to blame here, it's your parents. We know you won't let our Father die" Juyeon smiled

I nodded and handed them the letter "Don't give it to her now. Let her read it tomorrow"

"Alright" Sangyeon smiled and looked at the letter "Take care, Felix"

I smiled and got in my car. For the last time, I looked Ayumi's window and the light is still open. I'm sure she will be fine. I will pray that she will get the happiness she deserved.

I drove the car to the hospital which will be my last destination for tonight. I went first to Ayoung and cooked for her, I bought gifts for them too. I also went to the columbarium earlier before I went to Ayumi.

As I arrived, I went to Lowell's floor. I saw Mom and Dad outside the room, they were talking to the doctor. They keep messaging me about it and their faces changed when they saw me.

"How come you are not telling us where you are?!" Mom shouted

"Are you being serious? Can you be nice for the last time? Mom, I will die in a few hours. You won't see me again. How come you are still mean to me? Do you even love me? Or you really just care for Lowell?"

She looked away.

"Since this will be the last time, I want you to know that I am still thankful that I have the life that some teenagers like me wants. I am still thankful that I grew up with a complete family but do you know what hurts? I never felt loved nor cared of, by the both of you. I hope once I came out of the operation room, lifeless, you two will feel guilty. I experienced a lot of things but fuck, I never blamed you both"

"Felix-" Dad

"Still... I love you both so much"

I went inside the room and saw Lowell spacing out.

"Felix" he called when he noticed me

"Are you okay? I heard you had a heart attack, that's why the heart transplant need to be done as soon as possible"

"You don't have to do it"
Lowell said with teary eyes

I shook my head "It's fine. I lived my life how I want it to be. I did a lot of things and experienced to be happy. I received a lot of love and I guess... I am done now. I am done being happy. I want you to experience it, Lowell. I am thankful to have you despite being ignored by you"

He started crying "Felix, I can still bear with this disease. I am okay. P-Please, don't leave me. I don't have anyone-"

"I know Mom and Dad will take care of you" I smiled and handed him the ring Ayumi gave me "I want you to have that. Please, love her and take care of her if you can. I am not going to be with her when she wakes up. I love her a lot"

"Felix, please" his voice cracked

The doctor entered.

"I am ready"

I love you, Ayumi.

'Till we meet again.

A Perfect Boyfriend | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now