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Third person's POV

"Ayumi, I am tired" he whispered

Ayumi caress his back "You don't have to force yourself to be strong. It's okay to get tired sometimes. You have feelings, that's normal. What is wrong is, you are keeping everything to yourself"

"I... I have a lot of things to confess but I don't know where to start. I am not the same Felix I know. I am different. I don't even know who I am now. I just want to end everything and rest my whole life"
Felix said

He is sorry for everything he did.

"I won't let go of our hug unless you let go first. I know you need it, so I won't let go and be here for you" Ayumi said and kept caressing her back

Felix hugged her even tight. He doesn't even want to let go nor leave Ayumi. He wants to be with her as much as possible. He found his comfort zone but... Will Ayumi feel the same once she found out about what happened before?

"Ayumi, can I stay here for the night?" Felix asked as he let go

Ayumi nodded "You can. How about Ayoung?"

"She is with Jeongin now. I don't want to see her. It'll hurt me more seeing her cry. She witnessed how Keyzi passed away"

"Sure. Let's go" Ayumi smiled

They both entered the house but her brothers weren't there anymore.

"Do you want to eat?" Ayumi asked

"No, I want to rest" he answered and held her hand

They went to Ayumi's room. Ayumi prepared the bed for Felix and arranged her table.

"You can rest now. I'll just go to my brother's room" Ayumi said and left

She knocked on Juyeon's room and it opened.

"Is Felix here?" Juyeon asked

"In my room. Can I borrow some clothes for him?" Ayumi

"Sure. Take what you need"
Juyeon opened the door widely for Ayumi to enter

She entered and went to the closet. She started looking some comfortable clothes for Felix. She took two pairs for tonight and tomorrow just in case he wanted to take a bath.

"Is Felix okay? What happened?" Juyeon

"His parents cremated Keyzi's body without giving any proper funeral for her. They didn't even tell Felix or his brother about it. They had a fight and he wanted to stay here for tonight" Ayumi

Juyeon nodded "I know Felix's brother"

"Lowell?" Ayumi

"Hmm... Lowell" Juyeon

"Let's talk tomorrow. I am tired too" Ayumi said and left the room

She went to her room and she was shocked to see Felix who is already sleeping while holding Keyzi's necklace. She sat beside him and covered him with blanket.

"You look really tired" she whispered and brushed his hair using her finger "Don't worry. I am here. I will take care of you so don't worry. I won't leave you. Never"

She looked at his face and caress his face. She is staring at it like it's an art from a museum. A smile curved on her lips while looking at her boyfriend.

"You seem perfect to everyone but... You have a lot of pain inside"
she said


Meanwhile, in the hospital, Lowell is staring out of nowhere. His mind is full of thoughts and regrets on everything that happened to his life. Everything that happened to his younger siblings yet he never did anything for them.

He is worried of Felix who took care of them he is the older brother. Felix who did everything for his family and sacrificing everything for them. He never received love nor care from his parents. His life is the worse compare to Lowell. He is now feeling bad for Felix after he signed the papers for donation and protected Keyzi as much as he can which Lowell's duty as the older brother.

"Lowell, how are you?" his Mom asked as she entered the room

"Where did you held Keyzi's funeral?" Lowell asked

His parents were both shocked with his question. They never thought Lowell will ask about it. They just knew that he is ignoring both Felix and Keyzi but he is now asking them.

"Lowell-" his Mom

"Where? I want to go" Lowell

"You can't. You are too weak-" his Dad

"You two are treating me like I am weak which I am not! I can walk, I can run, I can do everything I can. I want to go to Keyzi. Tell me where"
Lowell said and was about to stand

"She was cremated earlier" his Mom

"Already? Why didn't you tell me? Does Felix know?" Lowell

"It's no use to hold a funeral for her-" his Dad

"Can you even hear yourself? It's not use?! Why? Why the fuck are you two treating my siblings like that?!"
Lowell shouted

"Lowell! Calm down!" his Mom

"Calm down?! You threatened Felix to tell the police about what happened if he won't donate his heart to me! You are forcing Keyzi to sign the marriage contract! Fuck! She is ten! Now she died you didn't even cry nor showed any worry. Mom! Dad! Wake up! They are your children too! They are not something to use for your satisfaction to money! What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Lowell cried

His parents were both scared to see Lowell shout for the first time.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to see you two here" he looked away

Finally, he said what he has been keeping to himself.

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