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Hyunjin's POV

After the long and memorable day, we all decided to go to a bar since we are all tired for trying all the booths and eating at every stalls. We even tried to sell the smoothies to pay to our class president what Jisung and Jeongin did.

"Should we drink? My treat since our friend here, Kim Seungmin, is moving on from his first heartbreak"

"Can I go with them?" Felix asked Ayumi

Ayumi glared at me.

"What? It's not like I'm going to kill your boyfriend. Chill. I will kill him in front of you for stealing you from me"

She just made a face and looked at Felix "Why not? You can still have time with them and enjoy. I can go home"

"I'll pick you up when we are done" Felix

"Oh, come on! Leave them alone" Chan said and dragged both Minho and Changbin from their girlfriends

"Take care the three of you"

Haeun nodded "I'll take care of these two. Don't worry, guys!"

The three of them got in Haeun's car and it drove away. We agreed to go to a bar to have a good time since we have free time tomorrow and we can rest all day if we want.

We all left and drove to the bar that just transferred to me last night. Well, not really under my name but someone's name. I sent them the address and some followed my car instead.

As we arrived at the bar, we all got out of cars catching everyone's attention. Was it because of our car or us? It doesn't matter but I guess they noticed us and the cars. Who wouldn't?

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin" my representative greeted and bowed to me

Everyone there is shocked as they saw me AGAIN with my friends this time. The manager last time that abused Yeona is there standing along with those people who works with him.

"These are the papers"
representative said and handed me the envelope

"Thank you. I'll send the money to your account"

My friends and I went to the vip room. As we sat inside, two waiters asked for our orders then left quickly.

"This is crazy. You own this bar?" Jeongin

"Not me, but someone we know"

"What are your plans?" Chan asked

"Renovate this place and change everything here to something branded. Also, fire the manager and the girls who are working as strippers. This place should be something that everyone can relax at, not a sex place"

The first reason why I hated this place because of the strippers here. I can't bear seeing girls being used by guys for pleasure. I don't like how they are letting guys do those for money. Instead, I am planning to switch them as waitresses or bartenders, I'll raise the pay so they won't have to quit.

"Let's talk about Seungmin now" Jisung

"I'm fine. It's not like I have to cry all day and beg her" Seungmin laughed

"Still, you got hurt. You deserve to be treated like a prince" Changbin

"I am prince myself, don't need to be treated as one" Seungmin said and laughed at their reactions "I am really fine. It's better to be single, no heartbreaks"

It's not always good to be single.

Sometimes, we all need someone to talk to...


As I entered my unit, I saw how clean it was compared to how it looks like when I left. I am always cleaning here but this is different now. Everything is organized properly.

""I'm home-"

Yeona is mopping the floor wearing my white long sleeves.

"I like being controlled by him. I love obeying what he tells me to do" I mocked her confession last night

She turned around and glared at me "What the hell? Do you have a death wish?"

I left earlier and she was pretending to be asleep so I didn't have the chance to tease her about the confession she made to me when she was drunk. Now I want to tease her.

"I can't like you. I am scared to like someone I don't deserve" I added

She stepped on my foot "You deserve that"

I chuckled at her reaction even though it hurts "Did you ate or not yet?"

"Not yet" Yeona

She is straightforward for a girl who just confessed.

She went near me and her face changed "You drank?"

"Hmm... I did, with friends. Don't worry I have high tolerance of alcohol. Unlike you. I won't just kiss someone but if you want-"

"Do you want to die?" Yeona

I handed her the envelope "Read what's inside"

She opened it and read the paper. I stood in front of her waiting patiently for her reaction once she read who is the current owner of Highland Bar. Well... I am sure she will be-

"Are you serious?" she asked while reading it again

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"What the hell? Are you sure? This is not something I can accept! This is too much. You already-"

"That's a thank you gift for staying here with me. I didn't feel lonely at all"

"This is too much for a thank you. You saved me so I had the reason to stay here to pay you back" Yeona said and handed me the envelope "I can't accept that for no reason-"

"Then be my girlfriend. You can't break up with me"

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