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Felix's POV

Am I wrong when I said she looks good? I can't even believe she is my girlfriend. How can I be so lucky to have her despite all the reasons to stop us from being so happy.

As I entered the classroom, I saw all of them except for Seungmin. I sat beside Chan which is the only empty seat, because they are in circle while talking and drinking something.

"Where did you get that?"

"From our booth" Minho answered and gave me one

"They didn't pay for the smoothies. No wonder our class president is so mad at them" Chan laughed while drinking

"Why would we pay for that? She told us to stay there and sell smoothies. We sold a lot and a lot of girls went to our booth because we were there. Shouldn't we accept some free smoothies?" Jisung

Changbin laughed at him.

"Are you all being serious? Still, we need to pay for what we get. It's not like the smoothies costs half of your million"

"Jisung is the only one who decided to not pay for the smoothies" Jeongin

"Where's Seungmin?"

"He went somewhere. Maybe he is looking for Kiara?" Hyunjin

"I thought they went here together?"

"They didn't. I'll bet my whole life they will fight" Chan

"Why? What happened?"

"I was here alone, earlier, then Kiara went here looking for someone while holding a paper bag. I think she will confess something but I asked if she is looking for someone, she said yes and I told her I am the only one here. She only smiled and left. I asked if Seungmin saw her, he said yes, they met at the parking lot before he went here" Chan

"We also saw her at the booth, she is looking for someone so we told her that Seungmin is probably here but she just smiled at us. So, we told Seungmin about it"

"But he said Kiara is looking for you" Changbin

"Me? Why am involved now?"

"Not sure but that's what Seungmin said" Minho

"Anyways, your girlfriends stole Ayumi from me. I don't know where they went but they probably tried the booths"

"Hmm... Aera enjoys things like those. She is asking me to go with her but I refused then she asked Haeun instead"

"As for Haeun, she enjoy booths but would get tired of it any minute. She will quit and will look for another thing to do" Minho

"I don't know about Ayumi but she seems to enjoy a lot of things. We are dating for a few days now and still getting to know each other"

"Not bad for a new couple" Jeongin

"I heard Ayoung has your number?"

Jeongin looked at me "She has my number?"

"Keyzi gave her-"

Seungmin entered the classroom but behind her is Kiara.

"Seungmin, please. Let's talk" Kiara said and tried to hold him

"Can you stop?! I already told you we are done. There is nothing we should talk about. Also, be ashamed of yourself. My friends are here. Don't make a scene, Kiara" Seungmin said and was about to go to us-

Kiara pulled his wrist and started hitting him "Why are you only deciding?! I am still here! I am your girlfriend!"

"Was. Remember the difference between the present and past" Seungmin said not doing anything to prevent Kiara from hitting him

Kiara kept hitting him.

"Stop them. She is hurting him" Hyunjin said

Jisung hurriedly went to them and stood in between "Can you two calm down and talk? Let's not get into physical fight"

"I am not going to talk to her. We are done-"

"For no reason?!" Kiara

"What the hell do you mean? I won't break up with you for no reason! I'm not stupid nor a guy who is okay with anything. I've had enough! Do you think I wouldn't know that you like Felix and not me? What's the fucking purposes of dating me? What for?! I am okay with you liking Felix and hiding what I want to ask you"

"Seungmin, calm down" Minho said and keep caressing his back

"I'm fine with everything and kept acting like a fool! Everyone kept telling me that you are cheating on me. I didn't believe them because I trust you a lot but the fuck, Kiara! You were making out with another student! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
he shouted and kicked the chair because he can't hurt her

"Kiara, please leave for now" Chan told her

Kiara was dumb founded and hurriedly ran out of our classroom.

Seungmin sat with us and breathed heavily "I'm sorry that you guys have to witness that, especially you Felix for getting involved"

"No worries, it doesn't matter. You were just saying what you feel about what you found out"

"So, she used you to get close to Felix? How immature" Changbin

"And you caught her making out with someone else? No wonder I hate her to death. She doesn't seem the type to be faithful to her partners. I'm sorry for talking like this about her but hell. I didn't expect that one" Jisung

"Let's just have a drink and have fun as you move on" Hyunjin suggested

"I'm in" Jisung

"Me too" Jeongin

"Well, you guys can count me in" Chan

"I guess those who have girlfriends need to ask first" Seungmin jokingly said

I really have to ask first.

A Perfect Boyfriend | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now