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Chan's POV

I woke up as I heard my phone rang. I searched it on my bed but it was nowhere to be found. He opened his eyes and found it on the side table of his bed beside the lamp. It's 12 am already yet someone is calling him that late.

Felix calling...


[It's so hard]

"Huh? Where are you? What happened?"

[C-Chan, I thought everything is going to be fine. I am at peace now and my life seems to be fine but why the hell is this happening?]

"Felix, where the hell are you? I thought you're with Ayumi-

[I'm in Highland Bar]

"This fucking late? Wait for me. I'll go there"


He ended the call quick.

I went to the bathroom and took a bath as fast as I can. I wore something comfortable and ran downstairs holding my phone, wallet and car key. There, I saw Mom watching a movie.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked

"Felix needs me. I'll go home later. Love you!"

"Okay, say hi to Felix for me" Mom said and focused on the tv again

I drove the car to Highland Bar as fast as I can but still maintaining the speed limit. I dialed Minho's number but no one answered. I dialed Changbin's number but no one answered.

calling Hyunjin...


"Who is this?"

[Park Yeona, why?]

"Is Hyunjin with you? Can you tell him to go to Highland Bar now. Felix needs us. Something is going on"

[Okay, I'll tell him]

I ended the call and searched for Jisung's number.

calling Jisung...

[Seriously? This late?]

"Jisung, there is no time for you to complain. Felix needs us. You better be at Highland Bar in five minutes or else"


"And call the others. Everyone should be there at a times like this"


He ended the call.

As I arrived at Highland Bar, I saw some people going inside the bar. I went inside quick, the bouncers let me in since they saw me with Hyunjin last time. There is a lot of people here.

"Excuse me, is there someone named Felix checked in the vip room?"

"Ah, vip room 3, sir. Actually, we were planning to call someone for him. He is inside for 3 hours now and was drinking a lot" she answered


I hurriedly ran to the vip room 3. As I entered, I saw a lot of beer on the table. Felix is sitting while staring out of nowhere. His tears started falling from his eyes which is really visible.

I sat beside him "You look so wasted. Is there something wrong?"

"We broke up" he started

"It's obvious. Are you okay?"

"This is so fucked up. I didn't know being left by the person you love and the person you see as your everything, will hurt so bad. Am I okay? I don't think so. It feels like my heart is being torn" he chuckled but tears keep falling from his eyes

"We were so worried of you"

"You think I will kill myself? No, I won't do that. That will be the least thing I could ever think of. I'd rather get drunk everyday and cry over and over again for the same reason" Felix said and was about to drink another bottle-

I took it from his hand "That won't do anything. You need to let go of everything inside you. Can you at least tell me what happened?"

The door opened, Hyunjin arrived along with Seungmin, Jeongin, Changbin, Minho and Jisung. They were all staring at Felix who is crying silently, they looked at me but I shrugged my shoulder.

"What happened?" Seungmin asked and sat on his side

"They broke up"

"For what reason? You even posted a pic of you two" Changbin

"I killed her Father" his voice cracked

"You, what?!"

"That night when I got into a car accident. I accidentally hit his Father. My parents covered up the crime. I was asked to date Ayumi so she won't put me to jail. Fuck. I thought dating her will lessen the guilt but it became worse" Felix

We are all quiet and staring at him.

"She is the only person I have now after Keyzi left. She knew everything about me. She knew if I am not okay. She knew something is going on. She knew if I am having a lot of thoughts. Fuck. I lost her now. I lost my world. I lost everything" Felix bursts into tears

We are not offended when he said Ayumi is the only person he has now after Keyzi. Felix means a person he will love forever until they grow up. It's still different compared to us. I know that Felix knows we are here for him, always.

"I am scared now. I am scared to wake up the next day feeling of being left alone again. I am scared to be in the same room with Ayumi without talking to her. I hate the feeling of acting like strangers" Felix continued

"Felix-" Minho

"I-It's so hard. I want to give up now" he added and cried louder

I can see my friends' teary eyes as they watch Felix cry and say everything to us.

"I was hoping one day I will be happy... That day came" Felix stopped and wiped his tears "... but it left too soon"

A Perfect Boyfriend | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now