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Ayumi's POV

"This one is good" Aera said and looked at the ring I have

"Ah, my Dad bought that for me"

"Oh, since you brought that up. Can I ask about your family?" Haeun

"I am the only girl in the family. I mean I am the youngest and I have three older brothers. My Mom died when I was two years old due to leukemia then Dad died when I was 16? I forgot what age I was. I also forgot the reason why Dad died I just know that it is not some disease"

"You have older brothers?" Aera asked

I nodded and showed them the photo of us "That's Lee Sangyeon, the eldest. That one is Lee Hyunjae, the second oldest then the youngest among them is Lee Juyeon"

"Sangyeon seems to be the type of cold-hearted character in a movie" Haeun said

"That's what you think but he has a very sweet and bubbly personality. He is caring and currently the CEO of the company Mom and Dad left. Then Hyunjae is stuck between the person who has a cold personality but soft hearted. Lastly, Juyeon is the short-tempered but sweet to me. As far as I know, he likes Park Yeona"

"He likes Yeona?! Your best friend? That girl?!" Aera

I nodded "She is nice though"

Speaking of Yeona, I have never seen her for two days. I hope she will come to school tomorrow. I wonder if she is okay or is there something that happened to her between her family.

"Felix and Changbin were here" Haeun said as she looked at the window "Hurry up, you two"

I quickly took my jacket and bag as I got out. I went to Felix and he smells like he drank every alcohol he saw. I wonder how he managed to drive here when he seems to drank a lot.

"Are you drunk?"

He hugged me tight "No"

"Really? Can you still drive? Or you want me to drive instead?"

"Hmm... I can drive" he said and let go of the hug first. He opened the door for me. I got in the car and he also got in "Thank you, Haeun"

"No worries. Drive safely!" Haeun smiled at us

Felix drive first while Changbin stayed there. I think he is drunk and wants to be sober up before they leave. Well, that's a good idea. I think he is just thinking of Aera.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he turned left

"To my unit. I want you to meet Ayoung and Keyzi" Felix said

"How about my brothers?"

"Don't worry. I asked for their permission for you to sleep there and not worry" Felix smiled at me

I don't like that smile. He seems like he will do something weird. I won't sleep with him tonight, not unless there will be a consequence if ever I refused to sleep with him.

"Ayoung is like Yeona, she seems to be the cold-hearted type of person but she is really nice. She loves going to parties and doesn't talk a lot" Felix said while keep driving slowly "Then Keyzi, she is the sweetest and would make sure you eat on time and have enough rest"

As we arrived at his apartment. He parked the car and we both went to the floor where his unit is. He held my hand tight. I am so near him and I can smell the alcohol. I just ignored it and followed him.

We entered his unit, the place is clean. We saw a girl at the living room staring at the sliding glass where you can see the whole view of the city. She doesn't seem to notice us at all.

"Ayoung" Felix called

She looked at us "What took you so long? My friends are waiting for me"

"Sorry. Don't drink too much. What time are you going home? Call me" Felix

"I don't know" she answered and looked at me "You must be his girlfriend? I am Lee Ayoung"

"Hi, I'm Lee Ayumi. It was nice meeting you"

She nodded "Keyzi is sleeping already. If you need some clothes, you can get anything there"

"Thanks. Drive safe, Ayoung" Felix reminded her

She left the unit.

"Do you want to take a shower?" Felix asked me


"You? Do you want to take a shower? What are you thinking?" Felix chuckled

I nodded. Felix told me where Ayoung's room is. I went there and searched for her pajama and shirt. I took a bath in her bathroom as quick as I can. I can't stay in the bathroom, it's too cold.

Ayoung seems to be the boyish type when it comes to her outfits. She is wearing boots earlier, black shirt and black ripped jeans. Her shirt is tucked in her jeans and her hair has big waves. More like a girl crush.

I wore the clothes and went to the living room. I saw Felix at the balcony, he is standing there, he is wearing a white shirt then boxers only. What the hell? How can-

"Hi" Felix greeted as he saw me

"Why are you wearing boxers?"

"Should I wear nothing?" Felix chuckled

"How can you act like a pervert?"

As I went to him, he hugged me and kissed my forehead. We stayed like that for a few seconds then he let go. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I fell but I never regretted it. It was the best thing that ever happened to me" he whispered

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