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I was walking to breakfast with Marlene, trying to keep my eyes open. I had fallen asleep studying again at about 2 in the morning so was 1 extremely exhausted and 2 I had a really awful crick in my neck. This all in all was not putting me in a good mood. 

I plonked myself down into my seat in the great hall, running a hand through my hair that I had been too tired to brush out, when I heard snickers and giggles from across the room. I looked over to see a tall Ravenclaw girl throw her long blonde hair over her shoulder, her face shining with laughter. She was beautiful in all the ways I knew I could never be. Tall, skinny and just the right amount of curves. Even her laughter was cute and girly, whereas I laughed like a pig, loud and not adorable at all. 

It was then that I noticed who she was laughing at. James Potter. I could see the twinkle in his eyes from here, dancing with humour. He put his hand on the girls arm and I felt something inside me twist. 

Marlene nudged me in the side, "Lils quit staring."

I blushed, "I wasn't"

She gives me a knowing look. 

"Ugh. He's just so annoying. Who does he think he is? He is so arrogant and full of himself just laughing and flirting with her so blatantly." I ramble on.

"Mmhmm" Marlene winks, "I think somebody's a bit jealous."

"I am so not." I accidentally shout, defensively. A couple of hufflepuff students turn and glare at me making me blush. "It's just not nice to be so so so... flirtatious... in public." I blush at the stupid outburst. 

Marlene is chuckling at me. "You know as a prefect you should probably enforce those well known rules against..." She chuckles again. "flirting."

"you're totally right, it is my duty as a prefect to enforce these rules and stop it." I huff standing up from my seat. What on earth am I doing? Why do I have this crazy urge to stop this going on?

I stomp over to Potter and the girl, ready to give him a piece of my mind. He will be told that this is thoroughly inappropriate behaviour for the great hall. I finally reach him and tap on his shoulder.

He turns to look at me and his eyes widen in question. "Lily." he startles. 

"Hi." I retort. My mind has suddenly gone blank and the awkwardness hits me. Why did I think this was a good idea? "I don't think... You shouldn't..."

The girl coughs bringing our attention back to her. Rita! Her name pops into my head. 

"Do you mind? This was a private conversation." She eyes me with a piercing stare.

My cheeks redden further and I turn to leave. What was I thinking? I had let myself get jealous and had completely embarrassed myself. Of course James was going to prefer her over me. 

I walk back towards Marlene feeling very sorry for myself and very embarrassed. But James runs after me grabbing my wrist turning me back to face him. I turn to see that Rita has strutted off with a stormy look on her face. 

"What did you want to say to me Lily?" James asks, his eyes wide and expectant.

Now that Rita had gone I felt my confidence return. "I just don't think that... that that is appropriate behaviour for the great hall." My nose tips up trying to feign confidence. 

James looks at me for a second then tips his head back and lets out a mighty laugh. "Awww Lilykins. Hahaha. You are adorable you know? You were jealous." 

He laughs harder as my face blushes and I adamantly persist "No I was not. That doesn't make any sense. No, that is completely untrue. Absolutely not."

His eyes flicker with amusement as I continue my worthless ramblings knowing that I am convincing no-one least of all myself or him.

He puts a finger on my lips which draws my ramblings to an abrupt end. "There's no need to be jealous Lily flower. No one could ever compare to you." His eyes are sincere as I blush harder. 

I push him away. "Well I'm not jealous so it doesn't matter." I jut my chin out. 

"So you wouldn't mind if I went back over there." He takes a step forward.

"Nope not at all." My voice falters.

He takes another step forward. "Or if I kissed her."

"N... n.. no. Definitley not." I stammer. 

He leans forward so there is only a whisper between our lips. 

"I think you're lying."

That's all it takes before I let go. I finally let go of all the fears and pressures and expectations I put upon myself. My agony that I had fallen in love with James Potter along with the rest of the school. 

I lean forward crashing my lips onto his, claiming them to my own. He grabs my hips pulling my closer to him before pulling away breathless. 

"You Lilypad have nothing to be jealous of. Because I am yours. Always."

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