The Bet

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Sirius' POV 

Start of 6th year

"You arrogant toe rag, you could never become head boy in your life." Lily's face flushed red with anger, almost the same colour as her hair.

James chuckled. "Watch me. Dumbledore adores me, I could be head boy if I wanted to."

Lily let out a laugh, "Dumbledore would be mad."

"Maybe he is." James chuckled. 

I nodded in agreement, the great old wizard was slightly bonkers.

"Pigs would fly before you were ever responsible."

I cocked my head, unsure of what Lily was saying. I mean it would only require a simple levitating charm for a pig to fly... though to be fair the ministry might have something to say about it. Might breach laws about animal cruelty or something.

"Ugh Lily would sooner kiss you than you became head boy." Marlene, Lily's crazy hot friend piped in. I winked coyly at her. She stuck her tongue out immaturely. 

"So Lily, if you are so so sure that I would never be head boy. How about we make a bet?"

Lily hesitated, "Well I am sure and I know it will never happen." She didn't quite have as much conviction though, I sensed a hint of nervousness. She probably should be nervous to be fair, making a bet with James.

"Ok. If I become head boy..."

"That's never going to happen."

"But if I do you have to kiss me."

"Hah never."

"But if you were so sure."

Lily gulped, "What do I get if I win?"

"I will never ask you out again. I won't prank or tease you..."

"Fine done." Lily grinned. "Ha I am so going to win."

I flicked my wand and muttered quietly under my breath. 

What? If they were both so sure then a little magic wouldn't hurt.

Lily's POV 

Start of 7th year

It was the first day of my last year at Hogwarts, I was going to miss it so much. I kissed my parents on the cheek in final farewell and ran off to join Marlene and Dorcas who were waiting for me on the train.

"Marlene, Dorcas."


We hugged tightly, though we had seen each other last week to collect our school supplies at Diagon Alley.

"So Lily, do you know who the head boy is yet?"

I shook my head. I was so over the moon to be chosen as head girl, nothing could break that euphoria of being chosen by Dumbledore. Dumbledore himself, who would save us from these dark ages.

"It could be James Potter."

Except that. Though I have to admit, he did seem to grow up slightly over the course of last year. Still, he was not the ideal person to share my head duties with. The amount of time we would have to spend together. Ugh I couldn't think of it.

Marlene sniggered, "Yeah, then you'd have to kiss him."


"You know that bet from last year."

"Oh yeah, that."

"What bet?" Dorcas asked confused.

Marlene grinned, excited to indulge her. I rolled my eyes.

"I will leave you two to gossip about my non-existent relationship with Potter while I go and find out how un-Potter-like the head boy is." I rolled my eyes and left them to their excited chatter.

As the train pulled out of the station and first years waved and cried out of the window, scared about leaving their parents for the first time, I made my way down the train towards the heads' carriage.

I wondered who it would be. Maybe Remus. He was a prefect last year and Dumbledore seemed to like him well enough. Or maybe that Ravenclaw Connie Fudge, though he is not particularly popular with the younger students.

I took a deep breath before opening the door to the compartment. I opened it and it was quite grand, nicer than the others with red and gold cushions and a painting of the school on the wall.

"Quite grand isn't it?"

I recognised his voice but turned to look at him to be sure.

"Potter, what are you doing here?"

He smirked taking a step closer. "Same thing as you I should think."


"And they say you are smart." He chuckled slightly, "Here."

He handed me a small red badge with a roaring lion shaking his mane. It read:


I handed the badge back to him, "So you did get it after all?"

"I guess so."

He stepped forward, "So I won the bet hey?"

"What bet?" I asked, feigning cluelessness.

He grinned, I was close enough to see a sparkle in his eye. He took my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. He was kissing me. James Potter kissing me. But maybe it wasn't so bad, I should just stop thinking. I relaxed and put my hands on his waist.

He pulled back. "I didn't exactly mean to do that. I am sorry, something just..."

I grabbed his face pulling his lips back to mine, cutting him off. I felt him relax and smile as he pulled me closer again. 

We jumped apart when we heard sniggering at the door. 

"Prongsie mate, you won the bet." Sirius stood with a proud smirk on his face. 

James rolled his eyes and flicked his wand. The door slammed shut as he kissed me again.

I kissed him back fiercely, this was definitely going to be a great year.


Sorry I haven't updated regularly, I've been so busy.

I hope you enjoyed this one, please comment any reviews.

A x

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