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Sirius and I were joking around up in the boy's dormitories, laughing about the last prank we had played on Snivellus.

"Did you see his face?" I laughed.

Sirius started prancing around the room pulling stupid faces, I was in fits of laughter. 

"Seriously you guys." Remus hissed, "Go to bed."

 Sirius sulked off to his bed, lightly chuckling to himself. I was about to get into bed before I realised I had left my potions homework downstairs. I decided to go and get it so I didn't have to remember tomorrow morning.

I creeped back out of bed, Remus raised his eyes at me. "What? I am just going to get my homework in case I forget in the morning." He raised his eyebrows disbelievingly.

"I'll be back in two minutes, don't worry mother!" I joked. 

I opened the creaking door slowly, not wanting to wake Wormtail who was snoring loudly in the corner and shut it slowly behind me.

I walked down the stairs whistling quietly to myself. I walked over to the sofa where I had last left my potions homework. 

Suddenly someone sniffed. I had not realised anyone was there and jumped, tripped over and smashed my head on the table.


I closed my eyes as I felt blood drip down my forehead.


I opened my eyes to see green eyes glistening with tears. It was Lily. Her wand pointed at my forehead which was feeling much better.

"Are you ok?" She asked me quietly.

"Yeah thanks."

"Are you?"

"I'm fine." She lied.

I smiled as she helped me up.

"Hey, it's ok."

I pulled her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and sobbed into my chest. I rubbed her back awkwardly and pulled her in tighter. Her hair smelt of cinnamon and pumpkin juice.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I whispered into he hair.

"No." She whimpered. "It's just Tuney, my sister. She hates me."

She pulled away from my embrace and perched on the sofa, I followed.

"I'm sure she doesn't."

"She...she does. See at first I thought it was just jealousy, me having magic and all. I thought it would wear off after a few year but it is much worse. She called me a mud blood. She doesn't even know what it means." She let out a small laugh. "I know I should hate her for it but she is my sister and I love her really."

I put my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. She put her arms around me. I stroked her soft ginger hair. I couldn't actually believe I was cuddling with Lily Evans. 

"Hey it's ok. I'm sure she dosen't hate you really."

"That's what Sev says."

I rolled my eyes. "Well for once I agree with him."

She let out a small laugh. "Yeah well he has stopped talking to me too. I don't really know what I've done." She sniffled. "I miss him."

I hugged her tighter and felt my stomach clench. I hated that Lily admired Severus so much and that he had the power to hurt her like this.

"Yeah well I'm better than him anyway." I moaned slightly irritated. I began thinking about what Lily could possibly see in Severus and about what Severus saw in Lily. I mean I guess she was pretty, ok she was beautiful and she had those gorgeous eyes and that adorable laugh. And her eyebrows when she was concentrating really hard and...

I woke up to the sun coming through the window. Wait why were the curtains not closed and why was I not in bed and in the common room and why was Lily Evans lying on top of me with her arms around my waist and my hands in her hair? I started before realising what had happened last night and relaxing.

Lily's eyes began to open. She let out a small exclamation of surprise. 

"Potter?" She asked, with fury in her eyes. "Why am I on top of you?"

I bushed. "Umm.."

Then she obviously remembered what had happened last night.

"Oh. Um sorry. Umm can you.. would you mind, not..."

"Don't worry Lilyflower I wont tell anyone what we did last night."

She rolled her eyes and got up digging her arms in to my chest. Ow!

She mumbled under her breath something about irritating immature boys or maybe something more offensive than that but I smirked at her, I had apparently made her blush.

She ran up to her dormitory. I watched her go. She might have mumbled a thank you as she left the common room but I might have imagined it. I felt good though knowing that I made her feel better.

Sirius came bounding down the stairs with crazy amounts of energy and raised his eyebrows but not saying anything. I laughed and rolled my eyes then went upstairs for a seemingly normal day. 

However I knew it wasn't going to be a normal day because I had unwillingly discovered one of Lily's secrets and I may or may not have found feelings for her. 

That could not be normal.

The  Stag and the Deer: A collection of Jily one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now