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I walked into Defence Against the Dark Arts, laughing with Marlene and Dorcas. We took seats next to each other and began talking about the marauders latest pranks.

"It was so funny, did you see Snape's face?"

"Shut up Marlene, it wasn't funny, it was just cruel."

Dorcas and Marlene exchanged glances. I rolled my eyes, they didn't approve of my 'friendship' with Severus.

Thankfully we were interrupted by Professor Frogle. He waved his wands and the desks flew to the sides of the room. 

"Today, class," he yelled in his over enthusiastic voice, "We will be learning the Patronus Charm."

He was interrupted by the doors being flung open and the Marauders running in. Remus grimacing and panting as though he'd run a mile, Peter tripping over his robes and James and Sirius laughing, relaxed, running their hands though their hair. 

"Sorry we're late sir." Remus mumbled. 

"Its perfectly alright boys," I rolled my eyes, seriously those boys had all the teachers wrapped around their little fingers. "Now, as I was saying the Patronus charm.  Who can tell me the incantation?"

I stuck up my hand.

"Yes, Miss Evans."

"Expecto Patronum, sir." There was sniggering from the corner of the room, I wonder who that was? (Note the sarcasm)

"Yes very good Lily. Now this is how you swish the wand." He waved his wand, "You must think of your happiest memory." A silver hedgehog jumped out of his wand and scampered through the air.

Marlene nudged me, "That's actually pretty cool, wonder what animal mine will be..."

"Now class, I'd like you to try."

I began thinking about all my happy memories. I couldn't think of many. Home life was pretty bad at the moment due to Petunia's hatred of me. I guess before I came to Hogwarts, but even then we were so different and Tuney was always just following me around like a puppy dog. 

I then began thinking about the first time I came to Hogwarts. Saying goodbye to mum and dad and getting the Hogwarts Express, and the boats, and seeing Hogwarts for the first time.

"Expecto Patronum."

 A shimmering silver mist came out of my wand then fizzed out. I tried again and a silver doe leapt out of the tip of the wand. It pranced across the room, its head held high, it was beautiful. I laughed. 

"Well done Miss Evans, absolutely wonderful." Professor Frogle bellowed. I grinned, proud of the doe's beauty.

I practiced some more and by the end of the lesson got it every time. Most of the rest of the class had also managed to produce at least a wisp of mist.

"Ok class, one last time. Try all together now."

The whole class spoke, "Expecto Patronum."

Only a handful were produced, mine included. My doe cantered through the animals to another patronus. It was a stag. They rubbed necks and stood together, tall and proud. There was silence through the room. It was very rare that two people had the same or similar patronus', some even believed it meant there was a bond between the two casters. 

I looked for who had cast the spell. That was when I had noticed everyone was looking at me and... no way. It couldn't be. James Potter. He stood with a collected, comfortable smirk on his face. He winked at me.

"So Evans, dearest." James smirked. Sirius and Peter sniggered at the pun. Soon the whole class was laughing.

I blushed. This couldn't be happening. I stormed over to my bags, picked them up and ran out of the room. 

"DISMISSED." I heard Professor Frogle scream as I was half way down the corridor. I continued running until I got to the girls dormitories. 

What did it mean? How could I, Lily Evans have the same patronus as James Potter? Did this mean...? No, no way.  It was a mistake. There was no way that James and I could be soulmates.



I hoped you enjoyed this, please comment on whether you liked it. 

I will post new content as soon as I can.

A x

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