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Marlene and Alice had dragged me to the Quidditch game. It was the final of the quidditch cup; Gryffindor v Slytherin. It was the first game I could go to due to the piles of homework that teachers had piled on us. 

I was sat in the Gryffindor stands, wedged between Alice and a second year. The stands were packed full and the crowds were overly excited.

"Alice, how long till it starts?" I pester.

"Seriously Lily, just be patient, it will begin..." 

She was interrupted when a roar filled the stadium. Gryffindor team had entered at the far end of the pitch and were flying through the sky. Black zoomed past on his Comet chancing a wink at Marlene from under his goggles. She laughed and shook her head.

Dorcas followed close to the stands. "Hey Lily, glad you made it." She screamed at me.

I laughed at her. She was an incredible seeker and had joined the team in third year. I thought she would have made a great quidditch team captain but she was sidelined for no other than...

"POTTER, POTTER, POTTER..." The crowd chanted as he flew high into the sky and did a few somersaults. I rolled my eyes, such a showoff.

The Slytherin team entered in an emerald blur as they zoomed around the arena in uniform fashion. A roar from the other side of the stadium could be heard from the Slytherin supporters.

"Players get ready." The commentator yelled. "On your marks...GO!'

The snitch was released from the box and disappeared in a golden flurry, the quaffle and bludgers were also flung into the air and the two teams flung into position. 

Soon the game was in full swing. It was 50-30 to Slytherin as Potter threw the quaffle passed the Slytherin keeper and through the left hoop. It was caught after by a Slytherin chaser who threw the quaffle to his teammate. He then narrowly missed being flung off his broom by a bludger flying at full force at his face. He dropped the quaffle which was then caught by Potter. 

"GO POTTER!!" I screamed. 

The second year next to me scowled and Alice sniggered. 

"What? I want Gryffindor to win." Alice smirked and I  rolled my eyes.

Potter flew through the air, almost colliding with another Slytherin player. He flew into the air, higher and higher and higher making me feel sick. He hovered in the air before diving, throwing the quaffle to his teammate and swerving around the posts to score.

"YESSS. WOAH. GO POTTER!!!" I screamed. 

He turned his head to look at me. I blushed and shrugged my shoulders. I could see him smirk from the other side of the field. He leant forward on his broom about to accelerate forward when a bludger smacked him in the back of the head and he tumbled off his broom, falling, falling...

I screamed and ran down the stairs trampling unfortunate first years. I got to the pitch and Professor Slughorn held me back.

"No Lily. He needs to go to the hospital wing."

"Let me go"

"Best not finish that otherwise I will have no choice but to put you in detention. Now I know you care for Mr Potter here but you can see him once he is in the hospital wing on his road to recovery."

I nodded and watched as they carried Potter away. Wait. I didn't care. Not really. I left the pitch and returned to the common room, feeling ill. Why was I so scared? It's not like I actually cared if Potter had half killed himself, it was his own stupid, arrogant, pretty fault. Ugh. Pull yourself together Lily. 

I decided I should visit Potter, it was partly my fault, maybe. 

Before I could change my mind I had headed toward the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey was outside talking to Professor Slughorn. 

"Ah Lily, I was expecting you. Go right in, he's on the first bed on the right." Madame Pomfrey smiled.

I thanked her and went inside. James was propped up in the bed with a bandaged arm and a scratched face. His glasses sat awkwardly on his nose.

"Hi." I greeted shyly.


"I'm so sorry. I feel awful. How are you? Do you feel ok? You'll be fine right?" I rambled.

James sniggered. "Aww, so you do care."

I scowled, "Sorry I came."

"No, sorry, please stay."

I turned surprised, but shrugged and sat on the bed.

"I'm fine just some broken bones but Madame Pomfrey sorted them all out, I should be back in class by tomorrow and back on a broomstick before the end of the week."

"Good, well get better soon."

"Thanks Lilyflower."

"Don't call me that." I stand about to walk off.

"Of course love."

"Or that." I poked him on his arm but he grabbed my hand. I tripped over the bedside table and fell on top of him.

"Ow." We both whined.  We both stopped. Our faces were so close to each other. Just a few more centimetres and...


I jumped and fell off the bed onto the floor.

Sirius ran into the room and laughed.

"Sorry was I interrupting?" He wiggled his eyebrows. 

I blushed and rolled my eyes. "Ha ha Sirius." I pulled myself off the floor, "Get better soon James."

He looked at me for too long as I turned to leave. As I left the medical wing I could hear James and Sirius' excited voices reliving the fall and celebrating their apparent win. I rolled my eyes and returned to the common room.

Maybe I did care about James. A little bit. Only a tiny bit. But that means nothing. Right?


I hope you liked it. It was longer than expected, I don't know if that is good or bad?

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