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Sirius and I had an awesome plan to get Lily and James together we just needed some help from a certain potions teacher...

Lily's POV

I walked towards charms, planning my essay that we had just been set in potions. I really needed to do well this year if I wanted to do all the subjects I wanted to next year.

Marlene jumped into stride next to me.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Next year, what I want to do, how I'mm going to..."

"Ahh boring." She cut me off. "Liquorice?"

I grinned at her, my favourite, she always knew exactly what I needed.

She grabbed my arm, "Apparently you have a room change, someone managed to invert gravity in Flitwick's classroom and they're still cleaning it up."

"How crazy."

"I know, but Alice told me that our lessons been move to seventh floor."

I shrugged, "Ok."

Marlene pulled  me up the staircase, jumping precariously as they began to change. We walked quickly, I was not willing to be late even if there was a room change. We almost ran down the corridor towards a tall wooden door.

James and Sirius ran the other way towards us, both being in my class. However why they were running, they never cared if they were late or not.

"Hey girls." Sirius winked,"After you."

I pushed open the door to see a tiny room with a sofa and table, there was hardly enough room for two in here let alone the whole class. 

"Marlene I don't think..."

"Sorry Lily."

James was pushed in after me, falling awkwardly on top of me as Marlene swung the door closed and it dissolved into the wall.

I pushed James off me.


He jumped up giving me his hand, "Me lady."

I jumped up and started hitting him, "You think this is funny? Huh, we are literally locked in a room, with no door."

"Calm down Lily." He took my wrists unfazed by my hitting him, "This is the room of requirement."

"Huh?" She looked quizzically at me.

"Sirius and I found it umm when, well it doesn't matter, but it opens when someone needs it."

I nodded, dumbfounded that he knew this.

He sat down, "Marlene and Sirius are probably playing some sort of prank on us. We just need to find out what they want from us"

"Yeah, why us though? Ugh, Marlene knows how much I like you." My hand slapped over my mouth, "Why did I just say that?"

His mouth was slightly agape, "What?" 

I blushed and put my head in my hands.

"Did you just tell me that you like me?" His voice were soft and his eyes gentle.

"Yes." I clap my hands over my mouth again. What was happening to me?

He ran his hands through his hair as he let out a nervous laugh. "Ha ha good one Lils"

His eyes were sad though and I don't know why but it made me sad too. 

"I'm not kidding Potter. I really like you. I know I have rejected you so many times, but really I was just scared. I thought you wouldn't want me if I said yes, I thought you just liked the idea of me and the chase. I was scared, I am scared that I won't be enough for you. Everyone at school loves you so much, you are the golden boy, everyone wants to be you or to be friends with you. I am just me. Just Lily. No one notices me, I come from a muggle family and I am not good enough..." Tears are streaming down my face at this point. I don't know why I am suddenly opening up and letting everything out. And to Potter of all people. 

Speaking of Potter, his eyes are wide as he looks at me in astonishment. He brings a hand to my face to wipe the tears that fall there. 

"Lily" He says softly. "Lily you are enough. You are more than enough. It is me that is not enough for you. You are smart and brilliant and beautiful. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and Lily I love you. I love you so much. I wish you could see yourself how I do. You are brave and smart and incredible. Honestly I am in awe of you. It's me that could never be enough for you." 

He is crying now too. I let out a sniffle. 

"You love me?"

"Of course I do Lilyflower. How could I not?"

I smile as warmth fills me up and press my lips to his. "I love you too James. Truthfully."

The  Stag and the Deer: A collection of Jily one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now