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I walked into potions with Marlene, groaning about another lesson with Slughorn. He really was infuriating, completely obsessed with his slug club and getting me to join so that we can all sit around and talk about how amazing we are. It really wasn't my scene. Though I knew someone who would particularly enjoy it.

Speak of the devil, Potter and his gang strutted through the door, late as usual. I rolled my eyes. Seriously he had so much arrogance.

"Nice of you to join us boys." Slughorn welcomed them in. "Today we are going to learn how to make the most deadliest potion ever."

I listened intrigued ignoring the Marauders girly sniggers.

I could see Slughorn getting slightly irritated. 

"Amortentia. Who knows what the function of this potion is?"

I put may hand up. 

"Yes Lily."

"Amortentia is a love potion sir.'

"Correct. I would like you to get into pairs and attempt to complete a concentrated amortentia potion I have prepared for you all." Slughorn explained. "Boys please listen up."

I glanced at Marlene silently asking to be her partner.

"I will chose your pairs seeing as these boys can't behave." I rolled my eyes.

"Marlene and Sirius."

I looked over at her and she rolled her eyes with a slight blush in her cheeks. I winked at her and mouthed good luck.

"James and Lily."

I groaned internally and looked over at Potter. He smirked at me and winked. Well this was going to be fun.

I collected our potion and ingredients and brought it over to the desk. 

"So Lilyflower," I growled at him. "We are making a love potion together."

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. How immature.

"No. I figure I will be making the potion and you can watch."

"Ahh you're no fun." He pouted but left me to prepare the ingredients.

Slughorn came over to see how we are doing.

"So James, do you know about the special scent of amortentia"

He smirked. "Yeah. It is meant to smell of things and people you love."

"Correct. I would like everyone to take notes and tell their partner what scents they smell at the end of this lesson."

The potion went well and the lesson was almost over when ours was completed.

"So LIlyflower what do you smell?"

I could smell my mum's magical Christmas cookies and pumpkin juice and.... no it could not be. I smelt a very distinct aftershave that belonged to a certain arrogant prat.

"Cookies and pumpkin juice."

He raised his eyebrows. "Anything else?"

I ignored him, blushing slightly pink.

"So Potter what do you smell?"

"Hmm, butter beer, pumpkin juice and cinnamon."

I tried not to think too much into it.

"RIGHT CLASS." Slughorn called the class, "I would like an essay on the dangers of amortentia and why it is so deadly. Dismissed."

There was a bustle to escape the dungeons.

I found Marlene. "So how was it?" I asked her interested. She had a crush on Sirius that she thought no one knew about.

"Eh our potion failed badly, Sirius put way too much pearl dust in. It ended up smelling of burnt toast and rotting eggs!"

"Oh wow!" I laughed.

"Sooo" She nudged me.

"What?" I asked, clueless.

"Come on what did yours smell like? I know you would have aced it."

"Well I smelt my mum's cookies, pumpkin juice."




I rolled my eyes, Marlene was so dramatic. "Whose? Could you tell? Of course you could. Ohhh Lily has a crush. So who?"


"It can't be that bad can it? Unless.."

"Oh it is bad."

"No way not, you know."

"Yep. It's James Potter."


Marlene knew first hand of the arguing and hate we threw at each other.

"Don't tell anyone."

"I won't of course." She winked at me. I was never going to live this down, but there was no way on earth I could love James Potter of all people.

The  Stag and the Deer: A collection of Jily one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now