Christmas Ball

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Lily's POV

It was the day of the Christmas Ball and Marlene was helping me get ready.

"Wow Lily, you look utterly gorgeous."

I laughed shyly. I had searched ages in Gladrags in Hogsmeade last month to find the perfect dress. 

It was a floor length, a line, emerald dress with a beaded bodice. Marlene had done my hair up into an elegant twist showing off the emerald earrings that had been a gift from my parents. 

"You are so going to turn heads tonight."

"James won't be able to keep his eyes off of you."

I rolled my eyes at my friends. They were truly obsessed with mine and Potters' non-existent relationship.

"Are you ready to go then?" I asked.

Marlene grabbed my arm, a beaming grin on her face. She wore a short blue gown that showed off her long slender legs.

I slid my silver heels on as I was dragged out of the common room towards the Great Hall.

James' POV

Sirius and I were in the Great Hall on time for once eager for the celebrations and food. Yeah mainly the food. Remus and Pete were on the dance floor with their dates; Emily, a shy Ravenclaw girl who often studied with Remus in the library and Rida, a Slytherin who frankly I have no idea how or why she came with Wormy to the ball.

Sirius and I do not have dates. Several girls asked but we wanted to go stag. The reason for this had to do with a certain ginger haired witch who I had only slightly been crushing on since, well, probably since I first met her. I had asked her to the dance and she had said no. I guess it wasn't a surprise, she had rejected me before.

Sirius also had a thing for Lily's friend Marlene who he hasn't had the courage to ask out, though I'm almost certain she feels the same about him. Lucky bugger!

Lily's POV

Marlene takes my arm before we enter the hall. We don't have dates, as we want to spend time with the other  girls, as I have been preoccupied for most of the term. 

We enter the hall and the music almost deafens me straight away. Marlene squeezes my arm. I am not the best at large social gatherings.

James' POV

Wow. Just wow. Lily and Marlene walk into the Great Hall and I cannot take my eyes off of her. She looks absolutely gorgeous, she wears her hair up so you can actually see her face and her dress makes her look incredible. Wow.

Lily's POV

I scan the hall, admiring the beautiful decorations and ornaments adorning the walls and ceiling. I feel a prickling sensation and catch James Potter's eye. His mouth is literally agape as he stares at me.

I wink at him, teasingly letting him know that I've noticed him staring, ignoring the slight blush creeping up my neck.

I nudge Marlene and leave her talking to Dorcas and Alice.

"Potter, Black." I smirk.

"Evans." Black grins, "looking lovely."

"Why thank you Sirius." I say, posing and smirking.

Potter watches, a dumb struck expression still on his face. I smirk at him and wink. "Potter, you're not looking so bad yourself."


Sirius and I take one look at each other and burst into laughter. 

"Hey Progsie, might want to close your mouth, you'll be catching nargles!"

I snigger. Potter closes his mouth. 

"See you later guys, I am going to dance with a pretty lady." Sirius smirks and swaggers off in Marlene's direction.

"I should probably go too." I turn to leave but James grabs my wrist, obviously alert again.

"Dance with me Lily."

I am shocked at hearing my name, my actual name came out of his mouth. It might be part of the reason of why I said;

"Sure Potter."

He grins wide and his eyes sparkle. I roll my eyes at his eagerness.

James' POV

She said yes, she actually said yes. I thought I had blown it after the staring and gawping.

I take her hand in mine noticing how small they are and pull her to the dance floor. 

A slow song is playing, I hadn't thought this far. I cannot dance to save my life, but Lily saves me putting her arms around my neck. I put my arms of her hips.

"Hi."  I say. Seriously! How stupid. I am just so nervous. Lily looks gorgeous and she is actually dancing with me. Me! James Potter who she allegedly hates.

"Hi." She says back softly. I give her a lopsided smile. She begins to sway to the music and I follow her. "You really are not a great dancer." 

I laugh softly. She says it kindly, less of an insult than normal.

"I know."

Lily's POV

He is actually being really sweet and I have to admit he does look really nice in his dress robes.

I sway to the music, his hands on my hips. I can't really believe I am dancing with James Potter, but I have to admit it is nice. I look up into his beautiful brown eyes. They seem nervous, I smile softly. 

The song finishes with a final cadence. I unattached my arms from James' neck feeling nervous all of a sudden.

He lifts my chin up to look him in the eyes. "Thank you for this dance." He whispers with a little bow.

I blush slightly. He searches my eyes before leaning in and giving me a gentle kiss. I don't pull away but lean closer to him. We pull apart and I notice some stares especially from Sirius and Marlene. I blush harder. James smiles at me and winks.

James' POV

I kissed her. She didn't pull away. Maybe I do have a chance, maybe it's not one sided. I look at the beautiful girl before me.

"Lily, will you go out with me?" The words are familiar on my tongue, I am hoping for a different answer though.

She looks back up at me, her face red. She is so cute. She plants a small kiss on the corner of my mouth. 



I really hoped you enjoyed this one shot.

This is my first one in dual perspective, what do you think?

Please comment on your thoughts or any ideas you want me to do.

A x

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