First Impressions

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I stood on the platform nervously clutching tight to my trunk. Severus stood next to me, tall and scruffy. His eyes also darted around the platform. I gave his hand a quick squeeze.

"Im sure we will be ok."

He smiled timidly at me. "I hope we end up in the same house at Hogwarts."

"Sev it doesn't matter. We will still be friends."

He nodded unsurely. 

I tried imagining this school but didn't really know what to expect. My schools at home had been small and ordinary but there were so many people on the platform. Everything was slightly unusual as well and many of the other students had animals and not normal pets, owls and mice and was that... did someone actually have a toad? Ugh horrible slimy things. I really hate frogs.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when I hit the ground with a thud.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there."

A face slowly focused in front of me. His black hair was messy and unruly and he had glasses that sat wonky on his nose, framing deep brown eyes. He held out a tanned hand which I shyly took and he pulled me back up. I could feel my cheeks going pink.

"My name's Potter. James Potter. Who are you?"


He smiled broadly at me, "I look forward to being at Hogwarts together. Maybe we could be friends or something."

I blushed harder, "Yeah maybe we..."

I was interrupted by Severus.

"Hey Potter leave her alone."

"It's ok Severus. He's just trying to be nice." I consoled.

James smirked at me before turning to face Snape.

"Yeah Snivellus she said its ok."

Severus' face reddened. My cheeks flushed red, with anger this time, he couldn't talk to my best friend like that even if he was cute.

"Hey Potter." I said with as much disgust as I could manage, "Leave him alone."

"Ohh sorry flower." He smirked at me.

"My name's Lily. Don't call me that."

"Sorry Lily...." he paused, "flower."

"Ughhh. Leave us alone, you annoying jerk." I turned to leave. "Come on Severus."

"See you at Hogwarts Lilyflower. I'm sure if you wish hard enough we will be in the same house."

I was riled up. Who did this boy think he was? He was so arrogant and mean. I hated him already.

"As if, Potter. There is no way we will be in the same house. Sev says that houses are..."

"Ohhh. Is Sev your boyfriend? How sweet."

"No he is not."

"Ahhh." He winked.

"Ugh you disgusting pig." He just smirked. The nerve of him. Ugh he was so annoying. "Severus lets get on the train."

I turned on my heel and stormed off. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Potter blow me a kiss. Ugh. I hope everyone else would not be like him. And I really hope we are not in the same house. I have no idea how I would be able to put up with him and his infuriating arrogance. I don't know how anyone could live with him. He was such a... a... 

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