Over Her

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We were sat in the Great Hall for breakfast. I sat opposite Sirius and Remus, and Peter sat next to me, nibbling at a croissant. 

"So I asked Marlene out this morning..." Sirius started, nervously which was unlike him. He usually oozed confidence especially when it came to girls. Except Marlene. He was completely smitten.

"Yeah, what did she say? I'm surprised you're not in the hospital wing." Remus chuckled.

Sirius blushed slightly. "She said yes, I'm taking her to Hogsmede next week."

I smiled. They were so good for each other. I grinned and high fives him across the table. "Took you long enough."

"What about you Prongs?" Sirius quipped back."Asked Evans out recently?"

I blushed slightly, they were always teasing me about my unrequited love for the pretty prefect.

I  squared my shoulders and gave Sirius a proud grin, "No. I've decided I'm over her."

The boys looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"What?" I ask innocently. Why don't they believe me?

"Look.... over.... there..." Sirius managed to get out through his laughter.

I looked over to see Lily and her friends sat at the other end of the Gryffindor table.

She had her nose in a book as her friends chatted. Her hair fell in front of her face and she cutely pushed it behind her ear with her small hands. I could just about see her nose wrinkled in concentration. Her jumper had fallen off her shoulder showing her freckles all the way down her neck.

She sensed my eyes on her and looked up. A blush crept up her cheeks and I smirked, winking. It lifted my spirits slightly, that I could make her blush.

She rolled her pretty green eyes and went back to her book.

I was brought back from my staring by a cough from Sirius.

"Over her are we?"

I shrugged.

Remus gave me a small smile. "James, you are completely smitten."

I shrugged again.

Peter joined in."There is no way you are ever over her."

I let out a sigh of defeat. "I know."


This was only a short, quick one shot, but I hope you liked it.

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