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It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon. While many students had decided to go to Hogsmeade, Lily was walking through the grounds reading a book. She liked the peace and quiet and the warm sun on her face, feeling relaxed and at peace. 

She walked down the path taking care to avoid the territory of the whomping willow before coming to sit by a tree on the outskirts of the forbidden forest. From here she could look out across the lake at the shimmering waters, glistening underneath the sunlight. 

She placed her book down, laying out her picnic blanket, and took in the view. It was truly breathtaking. She felt content like she hadn't in a while. Things with her sister were tense at home and the stresses of exams were catching up to her. But here she could enjoy the gentle breeze and acknowledge the beauty and privilege of Hogwarts School. 

She closed her eyes and breathed in a deep breath of fresh air. Before long she had fallen asleep, her hand still resting on the book beside her and her hair blown messily around her face. 

She awoke an hour or so later to something fluffy brushing up beside her. It was a dog. A big black fluffy dog. She startled, still groggy from her nap, but the dog continued to brush beside her. It looked up to her and she could see his kind eyes, a deep blue that seemed vaguely familiar to her. 

She laughed. This dog wasn't a threat to her. It reminded her of one of the pets that her neighbours had when she was young. Her and Petunia had sometimes even been allowed to play with him on the green near their house. 

"Who's a good boy?" Lily cooed, ruffling the dog's ears. "You are beautiful aren't you." 

The dog's eyes brightened and seemed to lighten with humour. Though Lily pushed that thought away, how silly! He pushed his head further into her hands. Lily laughed again, then picked up a stick from beside her throwing it as far as she could. 

The dog bounded after it, with strength and agility. It was a truly beautiful creature, Lily thought. 

It picked up the stick and ran back to her eagerly. Lily rubbed the dogs ears before throwing the stick again. 

The game continued, Lily once again finding herself at peace and relaxed. It felt normal and nice to just spend time with the beautiful animal. 

The dog bounded back after a particularly tremendous throw, that had surprised even Lily, for she wasn't particularly athletically inclined. He bounced up to her and started licking her face, Lily laughed trying to get him off her. 

Lily had her eyes closed, trying to stop the dog from slobbering all over her face when suddenly, out of nowhere it seemed, the dog was ripped off her. The dog went scampering backwards a guilty look on his face. 

Lily looked up to see the hazel eyes of James Potter glaring down at her. His eyes seemed angry though she really had no idea why. 

"What on earth was that for Potter?" She spat up standing up to face him. Though she stood almost a foot shorter than him.

He scowled and turned instead to the dog, whispering in angry tones that she couldn't quite get. This made Lily even angrier, what was wrong with him? What was going on?

"POTTER" She screeched at him. "What on earth are you doing? Leave the poor dog along." The dog then proceeded to bound round and stand behind Lily. She put her hand out and the dog nuzzled into it licking it gently. 

"I am going to kill you Sir.. I mean Padfoot." James threatened under his breath, leaving Lily confused.

"Wait, is this your dog? I didn't know we were allowed dogs as pets" Lily said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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