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I was working on my potions homework but I couldn't concentrate. Black hair and hazel eyes filled my thoughts. His lopsided glasses and tanned skin that looked so soft. 

The door burst open and he and his friends walked in. My eyes jumped back to the empty parchment, my cheeks blushing red. I could not believe I was just daydreaming about Potter. Loud, obnoxious, irritating Potter.

I started as someone plonked themselves next to me.

"Hey Ginger Snaps."

I rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows, "Seriously?"

Sirius laughed. "Yep. I am Sirius."

I rolled my eyes again at the awful pun.

"So Evans, a little bird told me you have a little crush."

I blushed slightly, "Well Sirius your little bird is obviously misinformed."

"You just keep telling yourself that Evans."

"Maybe I don't care what you think."

"Yeah maybe. But I know that you care about what Jamsie thinks."

I spluttered. How did he know? It wasn't that obvious, was it?

"Sirius. You couldn't be more wrong."

"Fine. Then prove it."

"I will."

"I dare you to go over there and kiss him"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because if you truly don't care then it won't make a difference."

"But he will be heartbroken when he finds out it didn't mean anything."

"Ha so you do care."

"No I don't" Wow Lily good one!

"It's ok to admit it Evans."

"I don't have anything to admit Black."

"Listen there is no need to be embarrassed. It's only me."

I scoffed.

"And anyway you wouldn't be the only girl in this school to fancy James Potter."

I rolled my eyes. It was true. Most girls in Hogwarts fancied James Potter. I never saw it before, why anyone could like such a stupid arrogant pig. But sometimes... No, I was not going to be another girl.

"Exactly. Point proven. Even if I did like him, which I most certainly do not, there would be no chance, he could have anyone why would he choose me?"

Sirius laughed sadly, "You really wont see it Evans. And you are supposed to be smart? He loves you. Always has."

"No he just thinks he likes me. He enjoys the chase. It's only because I won't go out with him."

"It's more than that and I should know."

I thought about it. Maybe Sirius could be right. Maybe James really did like me, but it wasn't as if I really wanted him to. I just really didn't know.

"If you really don't care then go over there and kiss him."

"And why would I do that? How does that prove anything?"

"Because after you will tell him that it means nothing."

"Why would you do that to him? He's your best friend."

"I know that you like him so you won't be able to do it. He'll thank me later when you two get married, and have tiny little baby prongsies crawling around and..." His eyes glazed over, daydreaming.

"Eww no. I will tell you this for certain. I will never marry James Potter."

Sirius snapped back to it, winking and smirking at me.

I groaned. "Seriously..."

"Yep." He sniggered like an immature toddler.

I rolled my eyes. He was so infuriating.

"Come on Lilyflower, Lilykins..."

"Shut up Sirius." I was getting slightly annoyed.

"Fine I'll do it but make sure you are around as a shoulder to cry on."

"Awwww so you do care?"

I stomped away clearly irritated. I couldn't believe I was about to do this, actually kiss James Potter. I had never kissed anyone before let alone anyone like him.

He was on the sofa dozing next to a studying Remus who acknowledged me with a brief nod.

James' eyes shot open when I arrived, full of surprise.

"Hi Lily." 

"Hi James."

We looked at each other awkwardly his brown eyes curious but so innocent. I didn't think I could do it. 

Sirius was smirking from behind the sofa.

"FINE." I cried out a bit two loudly. Half the common room turned to look at me. "I can't do it Sirius. I can't hurt him.

I stormed out of the room almost in tears. Why? Seriously why couldn't I do it? It wasn't as if it would mean anything and James would get over it eventually. But still I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt him. Maybe I did care, just a little. Maybe.

The  Stag and the Deer: A collection of Jily one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now