Lucky Scarf

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The Gryffindor common room was abuzz with nerves. It was the start of the quidditch season and our first act was against Hufflepuff who we had lost to last year. I had to admit even I was slightly nervous and excited though I would never admit it.

"Hey Lils." Potter walked up to me. His hair was messy and unbrushed and his usual vibrant aura was dimmed, he was obviously pretty nervous. It was his first game as Gryffindor quidditch captain and the toll had obviously taken its toll. I had never seen Potter nervous so I let the nickname slide.

"Hey Potter, good luck for today" He looked slightly taken aback at my kindness, but I just shrugged it off.

"Yeah... umm.." Potter was actually stuttering, his messy tangles fell infant of his face as he looked at his feet. "I was wondering... Maybe... Obviously if you don't want to then..."

"What is it Potter?" I took his face in my hands, making him look at me.

"Lily, would you wear my lucky scarf?" His mouth curled into a nervous, lopsided smile. It really was quite cute.

"Well I wouldn't want to be the reason Gryffindor loses..."

"Really?" James' entire face lit up, his eyes sparkling, "Thank you, thank you." 

He was literally bouncing up and down like an excited child. "Wait here, let me go and get it for you."

He bounded off, I rolled my eyes at his excitement, seriously it was only a scarf, I didn't really see the significance.

"Hey Evans." Sirius swung an arm round me obviously unaffected by the tension of the room.

I shoved his arm off my shoulders, "Yes Black?"

"Have you seen James?"

"Yeah he umm... he went to get his lucky scarf."

Sirius jumped back in shock, "Wow."

"What? It's no big deal. Right?" I was slightly worried.

"Lily, he likes you, I mean really likes you."


"Wow, you really are that clueless."

At that point, James came bounding back down the stairs, a scarf of gold and red floating beside him.

"Hey Sirius, what's up?"

"Hey Prongsie,"Sirius winked, he sauntered off in the direction of Remus who looked to be slightly uncomfortable with all the craziness.

"Hey Potter." I smiled shyly at him, was Sirius actually being serious? Did James Potter really like me?

"Hey Lils." He took the scarf from beside him, "You need to promise that you will wear it all game." His eyes were sincere.

"Okay." I said nervously, "Wait you haven't charmed it or laced it with love potion or something?"

James blushed, actually blushed. His cheeks went bright red. 

"No, I promise."

He took the scarf and tenderly wrapped it round my neck. He brushed my hair out of the way sending shivers down my spine at how cold his hands were.

He smiled at me, our noses almost touching.

"GAME TIME." Sirius yelled over all the noise.

James jumped back, "Wish me luck Evans." His eyes softened and he placed a tender kiss on my nose then ran off to prep for the game.

I stood slightly dumfounded, did that really just happen?

Marlene grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the quidditch pitches.

The air was cold outside so I pulled the scarf closer around my neck, it smelt of James and it was strangely refreshing.

"No way." Marlene exclaimed from beside me.


"Is that Potter's scarf?"

"Yeah, so what?" I really didn't see why it was such a big deal, it was only a scarf. But Sirius and Marlene were making such a deal of it.

Marlene shook her head at me as if I was clueless.

"What is it? Why is everyone making such a big deal of it, it's only a scarf?"

Marlene raised an eyebrow, I shrugged, was I really meant to know?

"Lily, James Potter never gives his scarf to anyone. A-n-y-o-n-e. And it's not for lack of trying..." James Potter was kind of a player, I wasn't oblivious to that fact. "Also did you know his father gave it to him before he died?"

I was taken aback.


"Yeah, it was a gift for getting Quidditch captain, it means the world to him."

I smiled sadly, I remember James' grief well, it felt as though the whole school was in despair.

"But why would he give it to me?"

Marlene smiled sadly, "He loves you Lily. It's kind of obvious."

That couldn't be. Or it could be. Maybe I was misreading everything, maybe I was misreading myself too.

I suddenly knew what I had to do, I ran as fast as my little legs would go towards the pitch, I had to see him before the match.

He was talking to the Gryffindor keeper animatedly. He stopped when he saw me, confused.

"Lils, umm what are you..."

I cut him off with a kiss. My hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer to me. He stood still, obviously in shock before his hands found my face.

I pulled away, "James, I love you."

His whole face grinned, "I love you too, Lily Evans."

He kissed me again.



"I think you should get ready for your match."

"Oh yeah, probably." He pulled me in for a final kiss before jogging over to his team.

"LET'S WIN THIS THING!" He screamed, all nerves gone. I grinned, this was going to be the best quidditch match ever.


I really hope you liked it

Please comment any feedback, I really appreciate it.

A x

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