Snowball Fight

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It was the first day of the Christmas holidays and it was snowing. I hadn't gone home for Christmas as I didn't want to face Petunia and her new boyfriend. I had decided to stay at Hogwarts. Unfortunately none of my friends had stayed. 

Dorcas was going to Switzerland over the holidays to go skiing with her family and Marlene's sister was getting married in America. Even Alice had gone home with her boyfriend Frank for the Christmas season.

I was bored so decided I would go and brave the snowy weather. The grounds always looked so magical in the snow. I grabbed a book of my shelf and bundled up in hat, scarf, coat and big fluffy boots. 

It was more beautiful than ever. Everything sparkled in the bright sun, shrouded in a blanket of white. I set myself under a great oak tree that offered some protection from the wind, cast a charm to keep me warm and got out my book. Advanced Potion Making. Fun! Although potions was one of my favourite subject, it was not the lightest reading material. I shrugged, deciding to study it anyway. 

Potion after potion. Felix Felicitis, Draught of Living Death, Polyjuice Potion.  I was just reading about the importance of getting the proportion of ingredients right in an Amortentia love potion when I was interrupted by a snowball in my face.

My face reddened with anger and I got up, wand ready. 

I heard the unmistakable laughter of James and Sirius behind the closest bush. They jumped out at me, more snow in their hands. I was too quick for them and spun my wand directing snow to charge in their direction.


Sirius ended up on the floor in laughter and James drenched with water, snowflakes resting in his hair. I laughed as he pulled a face, shivering at the cold. He looked like a little boy as he pulled his scarf closer around his neck.

Sirius recovered from the floor flicking his wand and I slipped on ice, falling on my butt with a thump. Thankfully the extra padding from my thick coat saved me from too much pain.

I laughed. I have to admit, it was quite fun. An actual snowball fight. I hadn't had one since I was a little girl before me and Tuney had fallen out.

Sirius and James laughed at me. James ran over to help me up and Sirius ran to find something warmer to wear. It was snowing and he was only wearing a t-shirt? 

He took my hand and I grinned at the opportunity. I pulled as hard as I could and he slipped, landing not so elegantly beside me in the snow.

He laughed. I looked over at him.

"Hi Potter. Falling for me are we?"

He chuckled at my joke. I hated to admit it but I liked that I could make him laugh.

"Every day Evans, every day." He joked.

I blushed slightly. I dumped a pile of snow on his head to cover it up. He sat up spluttering.

"Oh you are so dead."

I laughed getting up quickly, running through the snow, my book discarded beneath the tree. I had no chance though. James was faster and way more athletic than me who would rather be inside reading than doing any sort of sport, muggle or magical.

I ran though as fast as I could. James quickly caught up, tackling me to the ground.

"Who's falling for who now huh?" He smirks.

I laugh nervously. His face is really close. So close that I can see his dimples and the few freckles that dot across his nose and the snowflakes in his messy hair.

His smirk fades into a genuine smile. 


He leans even closer his eyes questioning. I lean up, kissing his beautiful smile. His lips are cold and he tastes of snow but it is the best kiss I have ever had. 

It was disturbed by wolf whistling. Sirius had obviously returned, I blushed, my cheeks going red. James pulled me up and into his chest. I smile up at him. He grins, pecking my lips one last time before dumping snow in my hair.

"Ahhh." I shiver, I'll get you for that Potter." 

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