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Lily's POV

I was squished on the sofa between Potter and Black, who were having an irrelevant, petty argument across me, in front of the blazing Gryffindor fire. It was New Year's Eve and the few Gryffindors that stayed back for Christmas wanted to stay up all night. 

I was exhausted however, I had stayed up all of last night reading. Despite the continuing conversations, I felt my eyes start to droop. My head lolled to one side, and I cuddled up to the warm pillow next to me. My eyes closed, heavy and I swiftly fell asleep.

James' POV 

"Everyone knows that the Cleansweep is the best broomstick."

"No the Nimbus 500 is much faster."

I rolled my eyes at Sirius. This had been going on for days ever since Remus had got a new broom for his birthday. I felt bad for Lily who we had been arguing over the top of for the last hour or so. 

I looked down at her to find her fast asleep on my shoulder. Her pink lips in a sort of pout. I smiled at her adoringly. She looked so cute asleep.

"Cleansweep is without a doubt the..."

"Shh." I hushed. 

Sirius looked slightly taken aback and Remus looked up from his book.

"What? Lily's asleep."

Remus smiled at me, his eyes twinkling but his smile sad. Sirius just grinned.

"Awww. Ickle Prongsie is in love."

"Shh." I retorted. That just made him snigger even more.

I rolled my eyes at my immature friend. "I'm going to take her up to our dormitory."

Sirius wiggled his eyebrows. 

"I can show you the levitating charm again James." Remus piped in.

"I'm good thanks Moony."

I gently pushed Lily off me to get up off the sofa then pulled her into my arms.

I lifted her bridal style and she snuggled closer to my chest. I could smell her hair, cinnamon and honey.

"Night guys." I whispered as I climbed through the picture frame out of the noisy common room.

I walked swiftly towards the head boy and head girl's dormitories. I whispered the password and climbed through holding Lily close.

Softly I laid her down on the plush sofa in our common room. Her arms still tangled around my neck I went to remove them. I unwound them from me laying them down beside her. 

Grabbing the thick blanket from the corner I gently lay it over her.

She looked so peaceful and adorable, curled up on our sofa.

I bent down and softly planted a kiss on her forehead, "Goodnight Lily."

She snuggled closer, I cast a small charm to keep her warm and wandered back to my own bed. I didn't feel like going back to the party, it wouldn't be the same without her.

I went to bed and before long was fast asleep.

I had a strange dream about broomsticks and fudge but it was interrupted by a scream. I sat up suddenly, shocked.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I ran down to our common room, scared something awful had happened to Lily.

She was still on the sofa, but the blanket was on the floor. She was thrashing and shaking, but still fast asleep, she was having a nightmare.

I grabbed her shoulders trying to shake her awake, but she was too feisty, her arms and legs kicking at me.

I pulled my wand out of my back pocket, "Please forgive me Lily, Aguamenti."

A stream of water rushed from my wand, over her face, jolting her awake.

"Potter, I am going to kill you." She hissed, "Where... where am I?"

"Umm, you fell asleep so I carried you back here. Are you ok? You were having a nightmare, I couldn't wake you, which is why I umm..."

Lily's face softened, "Well thanks."

Her lip quivered, "I'm scared Potter. You know about you-know-who."

I sat down beside her pulling her close, "I know, me too."

"I'm really sorry about your parents, I never really got to you know..."

"Yeah." I turned my face away so she wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes, "I miss them."

I turned back to look at her, "But don't worry, Dumbledore will keep us safe here, you have nothing to be scared of at school."

She smiled shyly at me, "Yeah I know."

I smiled back, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead, "I love you Lily, I won't let anyone hurt you."

She looked up at me surprise evident in her eyes, oh why James did you have to ruin everything?

"I love you too James."

"Really?" I asked confused, did she really mean it?

"Yes you big idiot." She laughed softly before leaning forward putting her soft lips on mine, "And for the record, I won't let anyone hurt you either." 

I looked down at her and smiled, I loved Lily Evans and she loved me, nothing could ever change that.

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