I Care

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It was finally time for patrol. I put all my books back in my bag reluctantly and tidied everything away. All I had to do now was find Potter. I went down into the common room.

"Has anyone seen Potter?" I ask loudly.

"Quidditch practice finished about half an hour ago."

"Try his dorm."

"Kay thanks."

I pull a face at Dorcas and Marlene as I cross the room to the boy's dormitories. They know how much I despise going on patrol with Potter. 

I sprint up the stairs and knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. Nothing. Ugh why can't he just be on time for once.

I burst through the door murmuring 'alohomora' under my breath. The door swings open wide to reveal James in nothing but a towel. His hair is wet and darker than normal, glistening in the light, messy and all over the place. And Merlin's beard, his chest is perfect, defined by hours of training on the quidditch pitch. 

I slam the door quickly, hiding my reddening cheeks and embarrassment. I cannot believe I just walked in on James Potter semi naked. I leant against the door, this was ridiculous, I was never going to unsee it. His beautiful, perfect body. Ugh. I slammed my head against the door in attempt to rid it of these crazy thoughts. I was not some shallow girl who had these  disturbing thoughts about anyone let alone James Potter.

Suddenly the door opened and I went crashing to the floor. I curled up in embarrassment. Ugh I was such a klutz. He held his tanned hand for me and I gingerly took it. He pulled me up to his chest.

"So Lily flower, did you like what you saw?"He whispered in my ear sending shivers down me. I shoved his chest hard. 

"Get off me you dumbass jerk." I almost tripped again but hurried down the steps and out of the portrait, hearing his footsteps close behind.

"So where are we patrolling today Lilykins?"

"You should have checked the schedule." I huffed. 

He chuckled. "Yeah I thought that was your job. I follow you."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well maybe for once you wouldn't mind pulling your own weight. Try it sometime."

He looked slightly taken aback. "Sorry Lily, I didn't mean..."

"Ugh. Seriously you are such a jerk to me, you expect me to do everything for you." I realised this was probably unfair and also probably untrue but I was shaken and angry. "You are a spoilt, lazy jerk."

"You think you're so perfect don't you, you just think you are so much better than everyone else, you're not, you..."

How dare he. "Potter, you are the one who is an arrogant toad. Just because you are quidditch captain doesn't mean we should all bow down and worship you."

"Says Miss Smarty Pants, I know everything. You and your little friend Snivellus think..."

"Don't you dare say his name. You immature bully, picking on those smaller and weaker than you for the fun of it. What type of sick..."

"He deserves it, the little death eater."

"Yeah and you're so much better than him yeah. At least he cared for those other than himself." This topic was always touchy especially with James. It was partly his fault that Severus had betrayed me. Or at least that was what I told myself. It hurt me so much, I remember being solemn for weeks. I had lost a close friend. I couldn't understand why he seemed to suddenly hate me.

"I care." His voice was not much more than a whisper.

I let myself calm down. "I know." I whispered even quieter.

His eyes bristled with sadness then filled with something I couldn't quite read as his eyes darkened.

He pulled me into an unlit passageway.

"I care Lily, no matter what you say, think or do. I care." His voice has a darker edge to it, full of emotion.

My back hits the wall as he pushes me back. "I care." He whispers before he pushes his lips onto mine. My hands find his messy hair and I tangle my fingers through it, pulling his face closer to . His hands are up and down my sides, searching and grasping. 

I pull back for air, breathless.

"I care too James. I care too."

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