Wedding Date (Fifi la Fume)

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Fifi la fume x Reader pt.3


The cathedral bells rang loudly throughout the old French town, echoing down the old worn cobblestone streets, signaling that the wedding was about to start. 

Inside the medieval church, lit up by the morning sun shining through the multicolored stained glass windows and the array of candles, sat many rows of people, all waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

Suddenly the roar of organs began to play, signaling me to start walking down the aisle. I was so filled with both joy and fear. To many, this was the great moment of a couple's life, and I was no exception.

I looked around the old cathedral to see members of my family and my family to be. Some were crying in joy, some were indifferent, and some were eyeing daggers at me in jealousy. After a good minute of walking down the long aisle I finally reached the altar where a skunk priest stood waiting.

The organ then changed songs, playing 'Here comes the bride', signaling the next one down the aisle.

Heavy thumps rattled the old building as it became louder and stronger with every second. The chapel's enormous doors swung open as a mass of white lace fabric filled the opening. The church's doorway cracked as the mass pushed through the old doorway. With a loud whoosh the mass of fabric popped through and landed with a quake. Standing before everyone is the largest purple skunk in all of France.

With a flowing white wedding dress that could cover a cottage home with a veil that reached all the way to Paris and a large several dozen bouquet of white roses stood the giant fat skunk, Fifi la Fume.

Cartoon biology is something interesting as in when a toon gets heavier they start to get taller not wider. Because of this Fifi now stood at a whopping 25 feet tall and weighed over 15 tons. Taking short, (short for her)steps, Fifi approaches the altar. 

It's surprising that the mostly naked skunk wore such conservative attire. The house size gown covered everything inch of her. From her semi transparent veil that covered her face to her long white sleeves, nothing was revealing. But that didn't mean that she left anything to the imagination, for the dress wrapped tightly around her bulbous body. With bows and frills adorned every inch of the expensive house size dress, looking more like a queen's dress than a wedding dress. 

Her whale size breasts were perfectly round with nearly no sag as it was propped up by her hippopotamus size belly. Her elephantine hips swung like a wrecking ball with every heavy step she took as her tractor buttocks were her counterbalance to her bulbous breasts. The only true part of her body that was not covered was her roof size purple and white fluffy tail that can wrap a whole bus in it's entirety.

After five booming steps Fifi arrived at the altar. She moved so fast, despite her trying to go as slow as possible, that the organ player had to rapidly speed up the song just to finish it in time.

The 'more whale then skunk' skunk turned to me as I stepped in a conveniently placed cherry picker and rose up to meet her face.

"We come here to celebrate the union of Fifi la Fume and Y/N L/N in holy matrimony," started the priest with a heavy french accent before turning to me, "do you Y/N take Fifi as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," I said proudly. 

"Do you Fifi take Y/N as your lawfully wedded husband," the priest asked as he turned to Fifi.

"I do," sniffed Fifi.

"To those who oppose this holy union, speak now or forever hold your-" the priest stated before a loud boom resonated from outside of the cathedral, shaking the entire building.

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