Wartime Love (XJ9)

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XJ9 x Reader

Art by codenamebull


The broken hills of rock and soil remained unsettling quiet. The morning haze laid thick, making it hard to walk over the destroyed land. My blaster cannon weighed heavily in my arms as was this war on my mind.

As I surveyed the landscape my mind wandered back two year ago when I was deployed onto this war torn world with my partner. The Cluster finally attacked and we were sent to this mining colony to prevent them from taking over. It was lonely out this far from anything resembling civilization but at least I have my girl with from getting too lonely.

My morning patrol has so far revealed nothing dangerous. I then did a quick look around before hopping into a shallow crater. I saw something I was looking for as I bent down to reach for it.


I immediately sprang back up pointing my canon to a large crater near me. I remained still wait for anything to move. After several seconds of nothing but the shifting fog I lowered my cannon, relaxing.

"Man, I'm starting to get jumping." I sighed.

Suddenly a striped green beetle jumped me from behind opening it's legs ready to grab me. Lucky my training kicked it grabbing that bugger and threw it over my head. It landed in another crater with a loud crack.

As I composed myself I quickly saw that I was surrounded by these nasty machine bugs. I raised my cannon firing without hesitation.

Each blast only cleared a dozen or two of them while more marched in to replace them as they closed the circle around me. After several shots I realized I was out numbered as they crawled toward me. I knew this might me my end but, hell, I'm not going down without a fight.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

The ground shook as if something heavy was running toward me. I looked up from the cluster and coming out of the haze was a massive white robot.

"Jenny!" I yelled.

The giant robot lifted her chunky arms transforming it in a cannon firing at a group of bugs in front of me stopping any bugs from getting close to me. With her other hand it transformed into a giant hammer. With her heavy feet she crushed any Cluster that was in her way like the bugs they where. She ploughed through any of those robots that was dumb enough to think they can take on such a tank.

She eventually smash and blasted her way to me, standing next to me in a protective stance. Being this close to her you could see her new "flesh" that they developed just for her at work. As the cluster fired at Jenny her skin shook as it absorbed the blasts making their efforts useless. It jiggled with every movement she did as she blasted the remaining cluster to dust.

The fog began to resettle as all you could hear was the crackling of the circuitry of the destroyed robots and my heavy breathing. But as we thought all was clear we began to feel something big was moving fast upon us.

Out of the haze a twenty foot green beetle crawling at us at full speed. With one quick moment Jenny picked me up and jumped out of the way just in time. The beetle then came to a screeching halt before turning around and restarted it charge.

Jenny bounce back and forth dodging the large beetle trying to find a safe place to put me down. She eventually found a small crater that was a good distance away from the rampaging beetle.

As soon as I were safe, Jenny put me down and ran toward the oncoming beetle. The ground shook as Jenny grabbed onto it's horns, but his only results in slowing down the beetle as it began to push Jenny back as her feet began to slowly sink into the ground.

Then to my fears a giant cannon came out of the beetle's back and pointed it at Jenny. She was too preoccupied with holding back the beetle that she didn't notice it.

Without hesitation, I grabbed my cannon and pointed it at their cannon. As the beetle's cannon began to charge I fired mine.

It flew straight and true as it went into the barrel of the cannon. Upon impact the beetle's cannon exploded, but to my fear the explosion was so large that it engulfed Jenny.

"Jenny!" I cried out, dropping my gun as chunks of Cluster machinery fell from the sky around me as I ran towards the explosion site.

To my relief Jenny slowly waddled out of the smoking crater with just a few singese. I ran up to her as she kneeled a into an embrace. It's hard to imagine that her soft body was all a mixture of metal and plastics. She was also surprisingly warm for a metallic robot as I laid my head on her pillowy silicon breasts as feelings of relief washed away my worries.

"Y/N, what are you doing out here without me?" Jenny say harshly as she released from our hug.

"On patrol," I huffed as I catch my breath.

"You know it's too dangerous to go on patrol all by yourself. I don't want to lose you." Her voice becoming softer.

"I know. I guess I just need to go out alone for a bit, you know, to clear out my head."

Jenny sighed in defeat. "I know. This war is stressful."

We then embrace again but for a longer time before kissing on top of my head.

"Come on Y/N, how about I make you your favorite for lunch." She then let go of me and lumbered herself away toward our camp site.

As she waddled away I couldn't help but stare at her gigantic butt as it swad like a wrecking ball, and most likely weights as much.

I just stood there for a moment, just long enough for Jenny to not see me walk to a familiar crater. Nearly buried in the dirt I picked up one of the largest diamond I have ever seen, nearly the size of my palm.

"After this war is over, I'm going to be the one to protect you."

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