The Growing Athlete (Rainbow Dash)

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Rainbow Dash x Reader

Art by Neongoth94


Rainbow Dash tried every sport under the sun; baseball, soccer, cricket, golf, and even shuffle board; she did them all and won each and every one of them. Her pride reached the sky as she boasted how great she was. As her boyfriend it did get grading to hear her constant gloating. That was until that fateful day.

It was just like any other day, Dash boasting how great she was, when we saw a weird ad on the television. It was a program on Japanese sports when they started talking about sumo wrestling. Dash had done every wrestling but never heard of sumo. That's when Dash went down a rabbit hole she could never recover from.

While studying about the rules of sumo and their weight requirements she found out about competitive eating. She thought she could hit two birds with one stone and have more wins around her belt, oh if she knew how big that belt would become.

Her first eating companion was at the local country fair, with the all popular pie eating contest. Despite my cheering it was her first loss in a long time, shattering her massive ego. Something must've snapped inside her because she decided to abandon everything until she was the world champion.

For months she stuffed herself to the point of bursting and then pushed herself more. With each passing day she not only stretched her stomach out she gained at a record pace. At the one year mark she gained over 100 pounds and dominated 15 food challenges.

As her popularity grew, so did her waistline. We traveled coast to coast, Dash eating everything in her path. She was getting sponsorship from every county we went to. And by the time she reached 300 pounds she started her sumo trading.

Rainbow Dash was now starting to get world fame as we now begin to travel country to country, filling Dash's belly to the max.

When we finally arrived in Japan Dash competed in her first official sumo wrestling. At that point she was weighing over 500 pounds and was put into the heavy class section. It took some time for her to get going but soon enough she started winning.

After another year of food competitions and sumo wrestling she had finally done it, she was the world champion! But to activate such a goal Rainbow Dash had sacrificed so much more than what she realized.

That was two years ago and Rainbow Dash was couch bound eating and playing video games. After returning home from the sumo competition we quickly came to the realization that because of the intense training Dash has done to her stomach that it will never shrink down. She was always so hungry that any loss she made with her exercising she would double that in weight gain. In the end she became a gluttonous ton of a woman who lost any hope to return to her old athletic self. But that didn't discourage her competitive nature.

Video games were her life now, winning speed runs and pvp matches. She never lost her ego as she would constantly trash talk anyone who dares to question her expertise. To make sure her performance is perfect she never ate with her hands. Either I was feeding her or she was guzzling down whatever slurry I made into a makeshift funnel. But we were happy, me and my over competitive one ton girlfriend.

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