Gadget the Hutt (Gadget Hackwrench)

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Mafia Gadget x Reader

Art by fawxen

The room was in shatters and a cartoon mouse holding a bat was huffed and puffed. Broken picture frames with images of promotional photos of the show she once held dear lay across the dark room floor. Posters of the Rescue Rangers logos were torn off the walls alongside shelves of toys and merchandise shattered into pieces.

I cowered in the corner, huddling in the fetus position as I tried to protect myself from my ragging girlfriend mad assault on her room. She then turned to me, a glint in her psychotic eyes. She turned to me and slowly walked up to me dragging her bat behind her.

"Don't worry my little Y/N. I wouldn't hurt you. You're the last thing left holding my shattered soul together and I'm grateful for that." She smiled the biggest grin I ever saw on her, to the point it looked like it would cut her face in half. "No, I need you so we can start anew." She continued, now standing over my fearful body. "I was too caught up in my fame, my broken and evaporating fame!" She swung her bat at something above my head, smashing it as its pieces fell over my head. She quickly changed moods as she leaned forward and caressed my shivering cheeks. "It's time to leave my past and become a new mouse. A mouse that is no longer tied to that goodie-two-shoes show! A new me that will show the world how smart I really am! I'll show who really is the fat cat of this town!"

I looked at her afraid as she pulled at my hair and plunged ourselves into a wicked kiss. I could feel that this was not the Gadget I once fell in love with on those Saturday mornings eating a bowl of surgery cereal. No, this was a woman that went mad because of her waning fame and was out for revenge.

~ 5 years later ~

The back alley door was slightly tapped as the hooded rat looked nervously up and down the old back road. The overhung light flickered over the hidden door. Then a small window on the door opened up revealing two beady eyes looking down at the paranoid rat.

"Password," grumbled a low voice man.

"Ah, um, RR is under," the rat said quickly.

The window closed and with several locks clicking later the door opened. The rat slunked into the building, closing the door behind him.

The rat looked up at the bouncer, a muscle bound cartoon elephant, before looking forward down a dark hallway. Tightening his hold on the paper package around his chest he stepped forward.

The hall was stale with the smell of old food as the air got chillier and chillier with every step forward. This was not the rat's first time here but he still never got used to the unnerving atmosphere this place gave him. Finally he arrived at another door, this one having music pumping through its cracks. With shaking hands he opened the door.

He was awash with flashing lights and loud music as toons and humans danced on the dancefloor. It was hard to see who was who under the flickering lights but he can tell that not everyone that was in motion was dancing.

The rat ignored the mass of people and took a hard left. He slid alongside the wall until he came to a well hidden staircase at the far end of the club. Looking back at the mush pit of dancers one last time he scolded up the stairs. With a click of the doorknob he entered the room.

The rat's nose was assaulted with the smell of cheese and chocolate. He was one of the few cartoon rats that didn't like cheese, more akin to his real life brethren.

"Haku brings uba wata?" Called out a deep voice from the opposite side of the room. The rat coward in fear looking at the shadowy mass. Then there was a series of coughs before the lights turned on.

"Sorry about that, ate something Disney," the mass spoke again but this time was much more feminine. She burped loudly, shaking the room, as a pair of thin transparent wings fluttered out of her mouth. "So what brings you here?" She asked again.

Before the rat was a massive mouse, or what she used to be. She was so massive that she could fit ten of him inside her monumental gut. She took up the entire couch size golden throne and still her dump truck of a butt was overflowing it. Her breasts were oversized watermelons that lay like bags of water on her large dome of a belly and her arms were all but converted into pure adipose. And finally her face was nothing but a ball of fat consisting of one fat chin. She licked her lips at the rat looking down at him hungry.

"I brought you your weekly tribute Madam Hackwrench," he stuttered, holding out the paper wrap package that he clung to.

With a sloppy snap of Madam's fat fingers a drone raised up from behind her seat and zoomed to the shaking rat. Deploying a claw it quickly snatched the package from the rat and brought it to the land whale. Dropping it on top of her vast stomach she struggled to reach for it before she got reminded of something. With another snap a pair of claws came out of her thrown and unwrapped it. Inside was a large bundle of 100 Disney bucks stacks.

"Good, good. Go tell those non-Disney princesses that they're off the hook, for now," she smiled. The rat was about to turn around but halted when she raised a chunky hand. "And do tell Monty that if he wants more cheese he needs to pay his dues." The rat just nodded and rushed out of the room.

As soon as the rat closed the door Madame Hackwrench took in a deep breath, how much she hated people, only machines are truly reliability, that is with one exception. Pressing a button on her armrest the platform below her began to move up.

The thumping sound of the adjusted room faded away and was being replaced by soft calming music. The smell of old cheese was replaced by the soft perfume of rose. Her business room was soon replaced with a more homey space, walls lined in red wallpaper and dark wood furniture.

"Honey I'm home!" Huffed out Hackwrench as her platform was fully raised. I stepped out of the room next to hers wearing a apron and oven mitts holding a very large tray of chocolate chips cookies.

"Welcome home dear, how was work," I smiled.

"Ug, people are such complainers, extension on their bills that, not wanting a family member wacked this. Some days I wish I can press that doomsday button and be done with that," she complained as her large seat formed tank tracks and slowly crawled to me.

"If you do that then I wouldn't be here," I nervously chuckled.

"I know my dear. I love you too much to blow up the city and you'll always love me too, right?" Her calm facade cracking as a crazed smile grew on her face.

"Yes, yes, of course I love you," I answered quickly.

She reverted back to her normal happy self. "Oh dear, you alway know how to warm up my cold steel heart," she giggled. "Now lets have dinner, I could eat a whole my little pony!"

In a way I became the hero I once idolize, saving the day from utter destruction. Just not in the way I thought being a hero would be, married to a immobile psychopathic mouse that is one step away from blowing everything into smithereens, but hey, it's a living.

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