Girlfriend Mash (Hinata, Fluttershy, and Komi)

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Hinata, Fluttershy, and Komi-san fusion x Reader


"I have done it, after years of biology and technical engineering schools I will be able to create the perfect waifu!" I exclaimed to no-one as lightning crackled around my machine.

"Quite down there, mommy is watching her soaps," shrieked a woman from upstairs.

With only a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling illuminating the dark basement I rushed to my crack screen computer monitor and began to type away. The large black pod came to life, its patchwork of wires and poorly welded metal shook but held tight.

"With a combination of internet photos and several strands of DNA from my local sorority club I now have enough materials to make the perfect kuudere." I exclaimed softly as I finished putting in the final digits. "I now can have a girlfriend who is as socially awkward as I am. And with a bit of yandere put in there I'll make her loyal to me and only me!" I cackled out loud.

Lights began to flash as the pod bellowed steam out of its seams. The sound of gurgling liquid flowed through the tubes with the occasional lightbulb around its sides bursting with too much electricity. After a good five minutes a ding was heard as the machine winded down just before the power went out.

"Y/N! What did I say about being a mad scientist when mama is watching the telly!" Yelled mom as the couch cushions squeak. With a bang the lights turned back on followed by the couch growing by a heavy mass falling back down.

I rubbed my gloved hands with a great big grin on my face as I approached the large pod. Removing my goggles off my face and flatten my hair to make myself look presentable I grabbed hold of the pod's handle and pulled it open.

A woosh of fog engulfed my face and body, blinding me from my creation. As I waved my hands forward, trying to fill something, I feel a slender hand go across my cheek, making me shiver.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," said a soft angelic voice, dripping in love and affection.

My heart melted as the steam around dissipated. Finally I could get a good look at my new wi...

My jaw dropped to the floor.

Before me was the fattest woman I had ever seen, and I've seen my mother.

This naked woman had hip long pitch black hair with a single pink highlight that covered one of her multi-colored eyes. Going from black to purple to blue her iris was a dark rainbow that shined like the late twilight sky. Her face was milky smooth and plump in the most perfect way, making her face neither full nor slim. Her skin was creamy with a tinge of yellow like light butter.

Then came her boobs, and darn they put a porn star to shame. They were nearly three times the size of her head, sagging just a bit from their sheer size and weight. Next was her huge barrel of a belly that folded over her belly button. They looked soft and warm, enticing me to hug them. Then there was her behind. If her breasts were overgrown watermelons that were given gallons of gallons of too much water her rump was two blue ribbon county fair pumpkins smashed into each other. Holding up the hundreds of pounds of milky yellow flesh was her thick and shapely legs that were so smooth that not even honey could stick to them. All in all I created the perfect girl, with the combined weight of two well endowed cheerleaders and three bottom heavy bookworms.

"I- I- I-," I stammered as I looked into her deep nighttime eye as if she hypnotized me.

"Who is the pleasure should I address you by," she meekly asked, taking a step closer to me as she softly pressed her soft naked body into mine.

"Y/N!" I spatted, unable to control my volume.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Hinkoshy," she said, giving me a soft smile. My brain was too frozen to respond as I stared at her cavernous breasts.

"Y/n, who's down there? You know I don't like visitors?" Complained mom. Hinkoshy snapped her head toward the stairs furring her brow and frowning her lips.

"You look hungry. How about I make you a sandwich dear," she said in her soft angelic voice, turning back to me with a loving smile, cupping my cheeks. I just gurgled in response as I felt my legs turned to jelly.

The fat beautiful lady elegantly turned away from me and made her way up the stairs, disappearing out of sight. My body was so filled with dopamine that I didn't hear the commotion coming from upstairs.

"Hey! Who are you?" Shrieked the older lady. "What are you doing with that knife? Aaahh!" *klunk* *slit* *stab* *stab* *stab* *gurgle*. Silence filled the house until Hinkoshy stepped in front of the staircase doorway. From her massive silhouette she held a large butcher's knife dripping a dark liquid.

"Dear, that sandwich might take some time," Hinkoshy giggled as her eyes glowed ominously.

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