Home Welcoming (Kanga)

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Kanga x Reader



The old forest was foggy and damp from the morning dew. Spring had just started as the barren trees began to grow in their new leaves. The winding dirt road was old and covered with years of previous Falls but it was still familiar to me.

Hugging my brown trench coat I walked deep into the forest. Despite the many years since I visited this place there were still things that looked familiar. That large boulder which I used to pretend it was a ship that I used to cross the seven seas. That decaying fallen tree where I thought it was a monster that I must slay. All good memories of my childhood long ago.

After walking for some time through the familiar and unfamiliar forest I reach my final destination. I now stood in the center of a clearing where I used to play with my favorite stuffed animals. They were a shark, a snail, a chipmunk, and my most favorite, a kangaroo, and that is why I was here.

Before me was an old oak tree that has grown as I have. I remember this tree being much smaller but still big enough for me to enter into it. But that wasn't what made this tree special, for in front of the large tree was a familiar door, a door that oddly grew with the tree. I was surprised to see the door so large. It was once my height when I was a kid but now it seemed that it was now a couple of inches taller than me. Looking around the hazy woods I walked up to the door and gave my signature knock and I waited.

And waited and waited.

I sighed sadly. I hoped there was something left of my childhood here, something to return to, but it looked like all that was left was old memories. I shivered from the cold morning, hugging my coat, and turned around.

"Hello?" Called out a soft confused motherly voice from behind the door.

I quickly turned around to see the old wooden door was just ajar with only a large brown eye looking at me through the crack.

I turned around and presented myself. "Uh, hello, wow I don't think this would happen," I said, rubbing the back of my head nervously, "Um, yes, I don't know if you remember me, I'm Y/N?" And just as soon as I mentioned my name I heard a loud gasp before the door swoosh inward and a wall of brown and pink came barreling at me.

"Y/N! It's been years!" Cried out the large fluffy mass, pulling in a full body bear hug.

Now I definitely don't remember my kangaroo was this big. As I sank into her soft body my mind was reeling on how big she was. When I was a child she only came up to my waist but now she looks like she towered over six feet tall! I also don't remember her ever being this, well, thick to say conservatively. She was mostly hips that flared out to be just as wide as she was tall and had an immediately heavy chest that felt like it was filled with sacks of beans then fluff.

*groan* "Good to see you too," I grunted as the air in my lungs was pushed out, "l see you have grown."

"Well that's an understatement! Oh you don't know how much I missed you," She wept, swishing my body back and forth.

At this point I couldn't respond as I had lost the ability to breathe. But before I passed out by an overly stuffed stuffed animal she released me from her passionate hug, dropping me to the ground.

"Come, come, I'll get the kettle ready!" She said with glee. She then turned around, almost hitting me with her chunky tail, squeezed herself through the doorway and lumbered herself into the tree house. After standing there for a moment, gasping for air, I stared at her pendulum swaying hips for a good time before I followed suit.

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