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"Give it back!" Ella laughed as jay took her hot water bottle from her, prancing around like a ballerina

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"Give it back!" Ella laughed as jay took her hot water bottle from her, prancing around like a ballerina.

"No, I think I might just keep it" he laughed and held it away from her as he used his spare hand to hold her back by her shoulders.

"You're a dick, you know that right?" She raised her eyebrows.

It was 11:35pm and they were just trying to occupy themselves whilst being on lookout. 

"Oh darling, I know" he nodded smugly.  She rolled her eyes but smirked and dived for the water bottle again.

"You're gonna get us in trouble..." she whispered but it came out as a stifled laugh. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll blame it all on you" he laughed back, but he was only joking, he wouldn't be that guy.

"Halstead, Crawford. Slacking are we now?" The  Sargent scuffed his boots on the sand beneath his feet from behind the pair.

"Sir, no sir!" Both of the younger soldiers replied in unison as they bolted up to their feet to stand in position.

"Good, now get your shit together and stand on post" he sighed then walked away.

Once their Sargent had walked away they relaxed and let out a chesty laugh.

"See?" she laughed and took her hot water bottle back from him.

"Your fault" he shrugged teasingly. She shot him a small smile but eventually returned to man her post she was detailed to.

As a main gunner on the battalion team she needs to make sure the machine guns are always secured. Jay wasn't a gunner, sure he could use a sniper well, but he couldn't control the big machines like Ella and the other three gunners on their team could.

He admired her uniqueness.


"Two sugars" jay walked past his partner with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Thanks" she smiled at him.

The most recent work days in the bullpen had been pretty boring for the whole unit, there wasn't a case in sight and most of the time they were on patrolling duty or paperwork shifts, it was killing them.

"I'm gonna die of boredom if we don't get a case before long" Adam groaned.  Everyone nodded in agreement and almost as if on queue, Hank walked in and started reading out a new case.

"Sex trafficking case, there's at least 12 women currently missing who were suspected to have been kidnapped by our suspect and his little gang" hank slapped multiple portfolios of vulnerable women onto the blackboard.

"Jackson price, 47 year old offender. He has 5 priors for rape, accessory to murder and ag-bat, escaped his parole last year. We do not stop until we have this guy in custody, you hear me?" Hank looked around at everyone.

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