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"We're moving in" Ella spoke clearly to the team as herself and Kim moved towards the front entrance

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"We're moving in" Ella spoke clearly to the team as herself and Kim moved towards the front entrance.

Jay looked at hank with a partly worried glare but soon calmed down when he saw that hank was unbothered, probably because he knows Ella can handle both herself and Kim if anything goes wrong.

"We're in" Kim spoke into her wire which rested in her bracelet, covering it up with a neck rub.

"You seeing this?" Ella looked over to the bar, noticing the blatant drug dealing go down in front of them.

"Mmhmm" Kim hummed in agreement.

The men the team are after were sat right at the bar chatting away whilst people danced around them on the floor.

"Game time" Ella smiled weakly and let out a deep breath as she walked towards the bar, taking over as rather nervous Kim by the dance floor.

"Two Long Island iced teas please" she tapped the bar to gain both the bartender and the men's attention.

"Well hello to you too" an intimidatingly muscular man, who was seated next to her, smiled devilishly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt" Ella laughed falsely, ignoring the rest of the men which clearly touched a few egos.

"Hmm, no worries sweetheart... what're you doing out here on your own anyways?" He shook his head and turned to face her fully.

"Oh I'm not alone, my friends over there" she laughed him off and pointed to Kim who waved shyly in return, she needed to let them know she wasn't alone so she didn't become an easy target, some men think they're inevitable.

"Ahhh I see, so you're looking for trouble then huh?" A second man joined in.

"Maybe I am, why? You got something in mind?" She laughed, playing with a curl by her ear.

"Two Long Island iced teas, ma'am" the bar tender placed the glasses in front of her.

"Thank you" Ella smiled and accepted them.

"Well if you're up to it, why don't you and your friend join us in the VIP area?" A third man smiled.

"I don't know, I've only just met you guys..." Ella tried to reason, although she has every intention of following them either way.

Easy work.

"That's how every fling starts off, is it not?" The original man smirked. He was looking her up and down now. She was even sure she saw his hand inch closer and closer to her, how pleasant.

"C'mon, it'll be fun" the second man tapped the bar, clearly desperate for attention.

"Alright, sure why not?" Ella finally smiled.

"Nice" the original man smiled.

"Hey Olivia, we're going upstairs c'mon" Ella waved Kim over. Kim shot her a doubtful glare but eventually agreed.

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