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*one week later*

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*one week later*

"Christmas is in three days, what the hell do I get her?" Jay huffed as himself and mouse sat in the break room; the pair watching Kim, Vanessa and Ella chatting away at Kim's desk.

"Just wrap yourself up and hide under her tree" mouse shrugged.

"I'm serious mouse" jay huffed.

"So am I" mouse kept up his act.

"You're so annoying, God" jay scoffed.

"Jay man, I'm just being real with you here. Just tell her how you feel, screw the Christmas gift, just tell her" mouse sighed.

"No" jay huffed after a minute of silence.

"C'mon" mouse raised his eyebrows.

"That'll ruin everything" jay shook his head.

"How would it?" Mouse pulled a face.  Jay shrugged slowly.

"It just would..." he sighed, soon shutting up as Ella poked her head around the break room door.

"Voight caught a lead" she tapped the door. 

Jay nodded, shooting mouse a small glare as he ran after the team.


"You good?" Jay wandered into the locker room to see Ella sat on the bench with an ice pack on her side.

"Mmhmm, I'm fine" she smiled softly, after taking a tackle off the side of a ditch, she might've learnt her lesson.

"You always say that" he shook his head.

"Hm" she grumbled.

"What're you doing tonight?" He grabbed the water bottle from his locker.

"Going out with the girls" she sighed.

"Kim and v?" He nodded.

"Yeah, and some other friends too" she huffed as a sharp pain stung her side.

"You don't sound okay to me" he furrowed his brows.

"It's nothing" she shrugged. 

"Sure" he sighed, sitting down on the bench too.

"What do you want for Christmas?" He huffed, finally breaking and just asking her instead.

"You don't need to get me anything" she raised her eyebrows.

"Helpful" he groaned sarcastically.

"Just tell me... What do you want?" He added.

"Jay, seriously, you don't need to get me anything. Just come over to my place on Christmas Day and we can cook dinner" she shrugged. 

"I would invite mouse but he's flying out to Omaha again" she added. 

"I'll come over, but I'm still getting you something" he tapped her knee before getting up.

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