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* two weeks later *

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* two weeks later *

Nothing ever goes to plan, not in Ella's world.

The past two weeks have been torture... a blood transfusion resulting in severe hypotension, failed sutures, a close call with septic shock and not being able to stomach anything other than water.

Jay almost had another heart attack, seeing her so ill made him sick to his stomach, nothing has ever made him worry as much than the thought of losing his friends...

Now things are starting to look up, and he couldn't be more grateful.

"Hey, what's up?" Mouse walked into the hospital room, the room he's been visiting for the past fortnight.

"I need to get out of here" Ella shook her head, flopping her hand down onto the bed.

Jay sighed, raising an eyebrow, "what is it?" Mouse shook his head, confused and slightly worried at Ella's annoyed expression and jays defeated one.

"My mom and dad's coming to visit, can you believe the cheek my dad has?" Ella scoffed, beyond harassed over the situation.

"Your mom will be here, I think it'll be okay" jay interrupted, trying to reason with his friend.

"Until he says something she can't argue with" Ella shook her head, rolling her eyes as she flops her head back on the pillow.

"We can stay in the room, if you want us to" mouse added, opposing with hope.

"Yeah" Ella smiled thankfully, nodding at her best friend.

Looking down, she wiggles her toes slightly, reminding herself that she's still here... things could be much worse.

If jay wasn't there with her, and the team hadn't arrived in due time, she would be in her grave right now...


"Hi baby, how're you feeling?" Ella's head snaps up at the sound of her mothers voice emerging through the door.

Ella's eyes filter towards jay and mouse', having dreaded this very moment all day, "a lot better, doctors say I should be home by Friday" Ella nods towards her mothers voice, her hand holding jays under the blanket. 

"Surprised you lasted this long, Crawfords hate hospitals" a deep voice follows suit and Ella stiffens, automatically gripping jays hand.

Jay squeezes it back, offering her a blanket of comfort, "dad" Ella nods in response.

"We're so happy you're okay, when we got the call from your Sergeant we didn't know what to do" Cathy gasps pulling a chair up to her daughters bed, Michael stays stood in the doorway.

"Not even gonna' sit down?" Ella looks at her dad, raising an eyebrow.

Tensions rises in the air like a tank filling up with water, suffocating everyone in it.

Michael looks between his daughter and his wife, the older woman shooting him a warning glare, before Michael takes a seat further back.

"Which one of you let this happen then, huh?" Michael sighs, folding his arms as he stares at mouse and jay with a smug smirk.

"Dad" Ella warns angrily.

"No, I mean... my daughter gets shot and I hear she's with one of you two, so, which one of you was it?" Michael looks between jay and mouse.

Jay remains blank faced, staring at the man he loathes so much, "That's all you have to say right now?" Ella scoffs, looking between her parents.

"It's fine. She was with me, we were abducted and things escalated" jay squeezed Ella's hand, gaining a small sigh from the younger woman.

"You don't owe him an explanation, it's not your fault" Ella frowns, shaking her head at jay as her cheeks blush from anger slightly.

"And as for you, dad, you can pretend you care as much as you want. But me and you? We aren't family, and we never will be. Now, get out" Ella stares at her father for a few seconds, her eyes dark and truthful.

Cathy clutched her chest, "I think we got off on the wrong foot..." she tries to fix everything.

"Mom, you knew this would happen. It's not worth it. You should go too, I'll call you later" Ella sighs, her heart breaking at the sight of her mother so distressed.

"I understand baby, I love you" Cathy stands up, her purse in her hand as she reaches over and plants a loving kiss onto her hair.

"I love you too..." Ella sighs, her mother closing the door behind her.

Ella remains silent for a few seconds, her face turned away from the pair, "he's a dick" mouth blurts out.

Ella let's out a weak laugh, "clearly age and wisdom don't go hand in hand for some people" she mutters, her now clammy hands letting go of jays as she brings her hands to rest in her lap.

The sound of faint, yet fast, beeping brings jays attention to the machines behind him, "it's alright, just calm down..." he places a hand on her arm, rubbing it gently as she does just that.

"I can't wait to go home" Ella mumbles, sliding down the bed as she closes her eyes.

Jay looks over his shoulder at mouse who looks as equally angry, how can anyone treat their kid so unfairly?

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