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*one week later*

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*one week later*

"Who wants a donut?" Ella smiled and walked into the bullpen with her boots clicking with every step.

"Dumb question" mouse jumped up and took two.

"Good job there's more than enough, huh?" Ella laughed and set them down on his desk.

Everyone got up and helped themselves to her treats, even Hank pinched one on his way to his office.

"Why're you so happy?" Jay smirked.

"I just found out my dads back with my mom, which means I won't have to see him" she smiled back.

Jay nodded understandably.

"Good good" he smiled.


"Hey, you good? I heard about what happened... is voight here yet?" Ella ran over to jay as he walked out of the house.

"Jay?" She snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Oh, uh, I'm not sure?" He shrugged after snapping out of it.

"You alright?" She placed a hand on his arm.

He nodded positively but she could see straight through him, he just saw something tragic inside of that house, obviously he's not okay.

Hank walked over to them both and looked around.

He was about to talk when the rest of the unit joined them, but a heartbroken mother's wrenching cries flooded the block. They all stood there watching in sadness as homicide pulled out the dead bodies of two young boys, no older than 11.

"Was there anyone inside the house?" Hank looked up at jay. The brunette shook his head but kept his eyes on the mother.

"No, just the third brother. But he was taking a pee, he was in the bathroom the whole time. It's what saved his life" jay sighed.

"Alright, well this is our case now, Halstead you're with me" Voight pulled the tape up. Ella sent her partner a sad smile before following Kevin around the back of the house.


"Has ballistics came back on the mag yet?" Hank strolled into the busy bullpen.

"Yeah. They confirmed that it was a clean shoot, probably head on, so whoever shot those kids was in close range" Adam nodded.

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