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*three weeks later*

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*three weeks later*

"But you're a messy drunk..." Ella sighed as jay followed her out of the break room.

"I am not" he protested.

"Whatever you say tough guy, whatever you say" she turned around to lightly tap his cheek. 

"Besides, it's not like I'll be alone. Mouse is coming too" jay sat down in Ella's seat.

"Right, even worse" she furrowed her brows and sat down on her desk.

"C'mon it's nearly Christmas, it's a good excuse to drink" he shrugged.

"Yeah, in moderation" she opposed.

"Where's the fun if you don't get black out drunk every once in a while?" He fiddled with her pens.

"True, but don't come complaining to me when you've got a headache tomorrow" she took her favourite pen from his hand. 

"Pfft, I never complain. Mouse is the one who complains" jay shook his head.

"Hmm" Ella hummed in response, amusement hidden in her tone.


"You sure you don't wanna come?" Mouse wandered along the sidewalk with jay and Ella either side of him.

"I got paperwork to finish" she chuckled lightly.

"Bore, well you're coming next time then" mouse groaned.

"Yeah, next time" Ella smiled.

"Have fun" she shook her head, still laughing, as she wandered over to her truck. Jay and mouse sighed, but got into their own cars and headed back to their own places.


At around 11:15pm, mouse and jay were absolutely plastered, so much so that mouse couldn't even find jay when he was stood right next to him at one point.

"I'm not a genius, but I say, we should get a cab..." mouse slurred.

"Good idea" jay slurred back.

The pair grabbed their belongings before leaving the bar, and heading towards the nearest sidewalk where a cab was already parked up.

"Let's go see els" jay looked around.

"Oh, your woman" mouse slapped his shoulder.

"Yeah, my... wait- what?!" jay slurred back. 

The pair practically fell into the cab, "Ella's apartment pleaseeee" mouse huffed.

"I'm not a mind reader, I don't know who Ella is. Imma need an address..." the man pulled a face.

"Oh right, well it's uh..." jay clutched his chest, his vision now fully blurred.

"Christ sake..." the cab driver rubbed his face... God these men are wasted.

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