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The hospital doors slid open, allowing a gurney through the ED with half a crowd that followed suit, a barricade of security holding them back

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The hospital doors slid open, allowing a gurney through the ED with half a crowd that followed suit, a barricade of security holding them back.

"Treatment 5!" Maggie yelled.

"Jay, let us check you over" Will protested as his brother pushed past, arms flying everywhere.

Dr Marcel pulled his stethoscope around his neck, "she's losing a lot of blood, fast. Doris, page OR and let them know we're coming up, now" he examined the initial injuries, nothing good written on his face.

Jay watched in horror as his lifeline wheeled away into the abyss, leaving nothing more than a trace of blood on the floor in treatment 5.

"Jay..." Will guided his brother into the adjacent treatment room, although jays eyes remained fixated onto treatment 5.

The red head pulls his brother into a brief hug, trying to remain professional, not letting the worry and relief wash over his already pale face.

"Do you feel any pain anywhere?" Will held jays head still, a flashlight shone into his eyes.

"She was fine, and then she just..." jay shook his head.

"Does this hurt?" Will applied pressure on jays head wound.

"It's my fault" jay shook his head, almost wincing subconsciously.

The sound of the gunshot still ringing through his ears.

"Jay, she's in good hands. They're doing everything they can for her. It's not your fault" Will frowned, trying to treat his brother.

"Now listen. You have a few injuries I need to take care off, so please just try relax..." Will walked over to the medical drawers, taking a deep breath.

"Relax?!" Jay scoffed.

"I know jay, I know" Will shot him a sympathetic glare, understanding how close the pair are, hell... how close they've always been.

"All you can do is wait, now c'mon. I need to look at your head" Will frowned, a bit of tough love never hurts anyone.

Jay keeps his eyes locked on the room in front of him as a few janitors clean up the mess, like Ella was never there.


"People die here" mouse muttered from the seat beside Kevin, his hands nervously fidgeting with his zip.

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