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*seven months later*

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*seven months later*

"Are you seriously suggesting I go a day without coffee?" Kim huffed as Ella wandered up the steps with her.

"No, I'm just saying that a break from the caffeine overload would be useful" Ella raised her eyebrows as the pair waved at Trudy on their way into the district.

"No can do" Kim chuckled as she accepted the cup of coffee Adam handed to her.  Ella shook her head in amusement as the trio began their ascent up the stairs, only for Trudy to call out her name.

"Crawford, there's a visitor waiting for you" trudy tapped the desk. Ella turned around and began wandering back down the stairs.

"For me?" She furrowed her brows.

"That's what I said" trudy smiled weakly.

"Alright, uh thanks" Ella smiled back before turning around to see an all too familiar face in the nearest empty office.

"Mom?" Ella closed the door behind her.

"Hi baby, long time no see" the blonde haired woman turned around.

Ella's face softened at the smile on her mothers face.

"I've missed you" Ella hugged her mother tightly.

"I've missed you too, sweetie" Cathy hugged her back.

"What brings you here?" Ella smiled widely as she stepped back.

"That's what I'm here to see you about Ella, your dad has a few business gigs in Chicago..." Cathy nodded.

"What? So you're telling me that dads here right now?" Ella shook her head.

"He's uh, he's waiting in the car outside. I just told him I came in here to report a dangerous driver from the freeway..." Cathy looked down.

Ella didn't know what to say, "oh..." is all she managed to spit out.

"He's working a few big security gigs, so, I don't know where he's gonna be. I just thought I'd warn you before you bump into him on the streets" Cathy smiled sadly.

Cathy knows why her daughter and her husband don't get along, they have a long history of hatred behind them, and it's a kind of hatred that cannot be fixed.

"How long for?" Ella looked down.

"Two weeks" Cathy nodded.

"Right, well uh, I gotta get back to work. We've got a case, I uh, I'll catch you later. I love you" Ella began leaving the room.

"I love you too, baby" Cathy waved her daughter off.

Ella wandered up the bullpen stairs with her face as pale as a sheet of paper, her stomach was doing flips and she couldn't think straight. She thought her days with her dad were over, that she would never have to see him again, but it turns out running isn't hiding and it always bites you in the ass at some point in life.

Without saying a word to anyone, she sat down at her desk and checked her phone for any notifications, unfortunately there was none.

A distraction would be nice...

"Want a coffee?" Jay nudged her leg under the table. 

She looked up in confusion but shook her head, not really hearing what he said anyways.

"You good?" He furrowed his brows. 

She looked around before nodding to the break room, she got up and headed towards the door before jay followed suit.

"What's going on?" He closed the door behind him, good job nobody's around to hear them anyways.

"My dads in Chicago for two weeks" she spat out.

Jay paused before slowly nodding, then rubbed his chin in thought.

"Any reason?" He watched as her body language shifted to that of discomfort.

"Business" she drew her lips into a thin line.

Despite jay being with her right now, she felt alone, like it was only herself and her thoughts against the world.


"And you want me to respect you just because you're my dad? You lost my respect a long time ago, when you stood me up in front of the superintendent" Ella scoffed as her dad continued tying his boot laces.

"You know I made the right call, what would you have done anyways? Go home, suffer alone, drink your days away? You're just too stubborn to admit that I'm right" Michael stood up in a huff.

Ella tucked her military jacket under her arm and shook her head in disgust.

"I had a life waiting for me, dad. Don't you get that? I had plans..." she shook her head in frustration.

"And what were those plans?" He scoffed.

"Me, Jay and Greg were gonna join the academy and become damn great detectives..." she began but michaels laughter cut her off.

"You're absolutely delusional, the only reason those guys stuck with you for so long was because you were one of two girls in their platoon. The second you would've gotten home, they'd have left" he rubbed his neck.

"No dad, they wouldn't have, couldn't you have just let me live the life I wanted? I don't want to be here, four tours was enough, I don't wanna see anymore action. I miss mom, and I wanted to go home" she reasoned.

"The decision has already been made Ella, you're staying here. And as long as you're under my unit, you'll be in the military till I say. I don't want a failure as a daughter, you're not a failure while you're in here, so let's keep it that way" Michael slammed his fist down onto the table.

"Just because you stayed in the military for your whole life, doesn't mean I need to. The second I get the chance, I'm outta here" Ella laughed in disbelief before leaving the tent.

The planes of Afghanistan sure do feel lonely without her two best friends by her side, she's all alone, and she doesn't want to be here for another two years...


"Ella?" Jay waved his hand in front of her face for the third time.

She looked up at him in confusion, "hmm?" She hummed.

"I said, what're you gonna do?" He furrowed his brows.

"Oh yeah, right. Uh... I don't know, I suppose I just gotta avoid bumping into him. I don't wanna face him right now" she shook her head.

"You got me and mouse, don't stress about it too much" he squeezed her arm. She nodded slowly before mouse opened the door.

"Voight wants you both downstairs, something about a round up" he shrugged.

Both partners nodded, heres to a game of hide and seek...

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