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"You're free to go, but I advise that someone stays with you until the meds have worn off, you might feel sick in a few hours" Will smiled and took the discharge papers back

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"You're free to go, but I advise that someone stays with you until the meds have worn off, you might feel sick in a few hours" Will smiled and took the discharge papers back.

"I'll be with her, it's fine" jay nodded at his brother. Ella looked at him with a small smile, she didn't even get a say in that.

"Oh, how kind" she smiled jokingly before leaving the hospital room with jay by her side.

He laughed and shook his head, but he couldn't even think about leaving her on her own after what happened, it wasn't even a thought in his mind.


"You want a hot bath?" Jay closed the door behind her.

"Please..." Ella smiled thankfully at him. He smiled back before walking towards her bathroom in her one bedroom apartment and running a nice hot bath for her.

She grabbed a beer for jay and a bottle of water for herself.

"Here you go" she sighed and sat down on the couch. 

He smiled and gratefully accepted it.

"I can't even remember what happened..." she shrugged. 

He smiled sadly.

"You're safe now, that's all that matters" jay nods, not wanting to think about it.

Ella smiled and sighed as she stood up, "I'll be back" she yawned before heading for the bathroom.

The bath was nice and hot so she had a long soak in it, but after nearly falling asleep in it twice, she eventually got out and put her PJ's on before returning to the living room.

"Your shirt and shorts are still in my wardrobe by the way" she laughed and pointed to her room.  He laughed but nodded.

"Thanks" he smiled and bolted up to go change. 

He's stayed over that many times, non-romantically of course, that he might as well have his own drawer for his own clothes.

It was roughly 11:45pm and both of them were exhausted from the days events so they decided to call it a night.

Jay grabbed the blanket from the side and began to make a bed on the couch.

"Uh, what're you doing?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Making a bed..." he spoke slowly.

"Since when do you sleep on the couch?" She laughed and shook her head.

"When you're not well..." he stood up.

"I was drugged, I don't have the flu. You're not gonna catch anything from me" she laughed and walked away. 

He smiled and shook his head before folding the blanket up and following her; they have shared a bed, once again non-romantically, a million times before.  Back in the rangers the whole platoon used to share beds when they were deployed, it's harmless and meaningless.

"If you're gonna be sick, don't be sick on me" he took his watch off and placed it on the bedside table.

"I think I'll turn and face you on purpose now" she laughed as she done the same with her Fitbit.

He laughed and shook his head.

"If you need anything please let me know" he yawned as he flicked the light off.

"I will" she smiled back.


At roughly 3:45am she felt really hot and crowded even though she didn't even have the covers on, so without waking jay up, she slid off the bed and tiptoed out of the bedroom and into the living room. 

Since she had a small balcony attached to her apartment, she quietly slid the sliding door open and stepped outside.

It was nice and breezy outside so it almost immediately calmed her down. 

Jay however heard the door close despite her avoiding it, so he got out of bed and looked out of the bedroom window to see Ella stood on the balcony.  He frowned and left the bedroom to go join her.

"Hey, you alright?" He walked over to her side.

"Yeah, I just got a little hot" she shrugged, but she was starting to cool down now.

He smiled and leant forward to look at the city below.

"Remember when we tried doing this during basic?" He laughed.

"What? Getting some fresh air? I remember being screamed at yeah" she laughed too.

"Lieutenant jenkings really hated us huh?" He smiled.

"Literally, I was convinced she was trying to push us out" she laughed.

"I don't think you're far wrong" he smiled.

"As crazy as this may sound, I do miss those times" she looked up at him, her hair blowing all over the place which made them both laugh.

"Yeah I miss it too, things seemed simpler back then" he sighed.

"Way simpler, our biggest concern was getting something we didn't like for dinner" she laughed.

"The vanilla cake" he groaned.

"Oh god that was disgusting, yet somehow mouse loved it" she laughed. 

Jay laughed too, gosh how things have changed.

"I talked to my dad yesterday" she sighed.

"Yeah?" He looked at her sadly.  He knows things aren't the best between the two.

"He's finally stepping down" she nodded.

"So he's coming home?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Something like that, I told him to stay away from me and that coming back to chicago maybe isn't the best idea, for both of us" she sighed.

"Was I wrong to do that?" She looked at him before he could say anything.  He shook his head.

"El, he did something that put you in an unfair situation, he doesn't deserve your forgiveness if you don't want to give him it. I'm on your side no matter what" he shrugged.

"I just feel like I'm holding pointless grudges, you get what I mean?" She sighed.

"It's not pointless el, you have a valid reason, and I agree with you" he smiled.  She smiled back. 

"Hopefully he decides to move back in with my mom, San Francisco is a good enough distance from here" she laughed slightly.  Jay nodded sadly.

"We'll soon find out, el. C'mon, it's getting cold" he slid the door open for her.  She smiled and nodded before they stepped back inside where it was a bit warmer, thankfully she wasn't hot anymore.

Once they were tucked up into the covers again Ella let out a deep sigh.

"It'll all be fine" jay reassured her.

"I hope so" she nodded weakly.

And with that they both fell asleep again, Ella was on her side of the bed and jay was on the other but Ella took up most of the room despite her tiny stature.

Unfortunately for Ella, all that laid ahead of her was the unfulfilled paperwork and desk duty for the next day, ugh...

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