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*Christmas eve*

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*Christmas eve*

"Merry Christmas..." the cashier sighed as jay grabbed the bag from the counter.

"Same to you" he smiled weakly.

He finally figured out what to get Ella for Christmas, she has been eyeing up a pair of platform boots from a pretty store in town.  So he decided to get them for her given that she loves her shoes so much. 

Little did he know that Ella had also asked mouse about what to get jay, and little did jay know that mouse had given her the exact same response.

He found himself hiding the gift in the back of his truck after pulling up in the parking lot of the district.

"Got something to hide?" Ella strolled past him with three coffees in her hands. 

"Nope" he shut the door quickly. 

"Mmhmm. Here" she hummed in suspicion and handed him the coffee.

"Thanks" he smiled back and accepted the offering as the pair headed inside for work.


"Alright, have a good Christmas guys. See you on Monday" hank waved his detectives off.

"Merry Christmas" Adam waved as he wrapped his arm around Kim's shoulders. 

"I'll see you guys on Monday, have a good Christmas" mouse smiled at jay and Ella.

"You too mouse, let us know when you get there" Ella waved back. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then..." jay smiled at Ella and grabbed his jacket.

"Come over tonight" she shrugged. 

"Tonight?" Jay nodded. 

"Yeah, we can make gingerbread house and watch the polar express" she smiled cheekily. 

"You'll get sick of me" he sighed. 

"No I won't, c'mon you grinch, it'll be fun" she nudged his arm. 

"Alright, fine. I gotta go home first though" he finally caved in.

"No problem, see you later then" she smiled and headed towards the locker room as he began wandering down the stairs.


Jay found himself wandering down the hallway and towards Ella's apartment door, as much as he tried to protest earlier, he secretly wished she would mention spending all of Christmas together.

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