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As Ella pushed jays apartment door open, she set his duffel bag down on the nearest counter

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As Ella pushed jays apartment door open, she set his duffel bag down on the nearest counter. Jay followed suit and headed towards the kitchen where he retrieved a bottle of water from his fridge.

"I'll put your meds on your nightstand" she grabbed the prescription bag.

"You don't ha.. " jay sighed.

Ella raised her eyebrows and began heading towards the hallway.

"Doctors orders" she called out once she had vanished. Jay smiled slightly, she has such a caring nature, it surprises him at times.

He took a seat on the couch as his shoulder twinged slightly.

"Easy" Ella reappeared just in time to capture his wince.

"Mouse is gonna stop by later too, are you okay on your own while I go check out my place?" Ella placed the remaining medication bottles in the cupboard.

"I'll be fine, really. But what happened at your place?" He furrowed his brows as she leant in the kitchen doorway.  Ella shook her head slowly.

"Nothing, I just wanna make sure nothings happened while I've been gone" she smiled weakly.

"You haven't been home?" He nodded. 

"Don't worry about it, are you sure you'll be fine?" Ella shrugged it off.  Jays face dropped slightly. 

"I'll be fine" he nodded, he doesn't like the idea of Ella not taking care of herself due to worrying about him, but she's hella' stubborn, so she wouldn't have listened to anyone anyways...

"I won't be long" she grabbed her keys before shooting him a sincere smile, and left to quickly check on her house.


"I'm back, and I have snacks" Ella wandered through jays apartment door to see an empty living room.  She furrowed her brows and sat the bag down onto the counter before beginning her search for jay.

She wandered down the hall to see the bathroom door closed, "jay?" She knocked on the door, her heart pounding out off her chest.

"I'm good" he called out from the other side.  She audibly let out a sigh of relief and closed her eyes, she felt the same panic she felt a few days ago when jay was missing. 

She was so deep in thought that she hadn't even realised that jay had opened the bathroom door and was currently stood in front of her.

"You good?" He furrowed his brows.

"You scared me" she jumped slightly, snapping her eyes open.  A small frowned appeared on his face.

She looked so small against the world, like she was a young, vulnerable ranger all on her own again. Just like the day he left and she stayed.

"I was only using the bathroom" he pointed to the room behind him.  His voice laced with confusion.

"I know I know, it's just I came in and you weren't here and I thought something bad had happened to you again..." she began rambling, it was unbeknownst to her that a tear had made its way down her cheek, and she didn't feel the need to wipe it away.

Jays face dropped; he hadn't even considered the stress the team, especially mouse and Ella, must've gone through to get him back, it didn't seem to occur in his mind.

"Hey, I'm okay. I'm alive, and I'm right here..." he placed a gentle hand on her arm.

She nodded and finally wiped her tear away, looking down to avoid eye contact.

"I know, but I thought I lost you, and I didn't know if you were even alive. I-I just didn't know what to do..." she shook her head.  The trauma of the situation now only hitting her to its full extent.

Jay had no idea that his disappearance had affected anyone this much, this was a big shock. 

"Woah, it's okay el, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere" he used his good arm to pull her in for a hug.  She carefully rested her forehead against his chest and let out a shaky sigh.

"I don't know what I would've done if we never found you..." she whispered.  Jay frowned, neither of them hearing the apartment door open.

"The game starts in 10..." mouse interrupted the hug with his loud voice. 

Both of them looked up as mouse's face dropped, Ella's eyes were red from crying and jay looked pained.

"What's going on?" Mouse shook his head in concern.

"Nothing, it's nothing. I'll go start dinner" Ella smiled weakly and left jay in the hallway, avoiding all eye contact with either of them as she wandered towards the kitchen.

Mouse approached jay cautiously.

"What did I interrupt?" He shook his head and pointed to the kitchen.

Jay slowly nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I didn't know it affected her this much..." he furrowed his brows. Mouse slowly nodded, realising what actually just happened...

"Yeah, she was a mess, never slept a wink" he looked up at jay slightly. Jays heart shattered a little, he never knew it was possible for someone to care this much.

"I didn't think" jay frowned.

Mouse smiled weakly, "she has you now, it'll be alright" he shrugged slowly, not really knowing what to say since he doesn't want to tell Jay about the panic attack Ella had once she found out that jay wasn't in the back of the van.

Jay nodded but said nothing, he's alive at least, which means things will get better...

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