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Around half an hour later, true to the man's words, the metal door slammed open once again to reveal the same two men who threatened them earlier

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Around half an hour later, true to the man's words, the metal door slammed open once again to reveal the same two men who threatened them earlier.

"Names" he scoffed.

"Kiss my ass" Ella mumbled as she kept her head rested on jays shoulder.

"Oh, so you managed to get down, and now you have the cheek to get smug with me" the man stepped forward.

Ella was beyond exhausted, and her head was still tingling from being suspended in the air for too long, jay was also tired but all he had was a sore jaw.

"Names" the man crouched down.

"Fuck you" Ella spat.

"Alright then" the man sighed and stood up.

"Do it" he signalled for another man, who was now stood in the doorway, to storm into the room. The third man was much larger.

He stormed over to Ella and yanked her over his shoulder, leaving a trail of blood on the floor where a piece of glass cut Ella's leg.

"Let go of me!" She began kicking her legs around and hitting this giants back, although it was proving to be useless.

"Put her down!" Jay yelled angrily, pissed and terrified were beyond an understatement.

Jay was left panicked as his partner was carried out of the room, yet the only thing he could hear were her pleas for them to get off her. 


Ella let out a small cry as the man slammed her down onto a metal operating table, she looked up to see that the scruffy looking man was the only one in the room. 

"Let us go, you're not getting anything from this..." she begged. Resulting in a backhand to the cheek. She winced at the pain but accepted it and shut up.

"I told you it wouldn't be pretty" he flicked the edge of the blade across her stomach before throwing the knife across the room.

She screwed her eyes shut and shook her head, this doesn't feel real.

After a few seconds of silence and stillness, she was met with the sincere shock when her snowman PJ top was ripped clean off her torso and launched across the room along with her dignity, leaving her in nothing more than a pair of PJ pants and her bra, a pair of trainer socks too.

"Pretty girl..." the man grabbed her hips, securing her down. She let out a fearful scream in bids for anyone to come help her, but she knew it was no help.

"Get off me, you son of a..." she shook her head, tears flowing down the side of her face, knowing what he wanted from her.

"Quit moving..." the man grabbed her by the neck, his spare hand moving around try try and pin her arms down, his eyes wandering to a string nearby.

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