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"Pineapple does not belong on pizza" jay huffed at mouse's choice of toppings

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"Pineapple does not belong on pizza" jay huffed at mouse's choice of toppings.

"Yes it does" mouse defended himself.

"It most certainly does not" Ella pulled a face.  Jay laughed at mouse with it being two against one.

"Don't diss it until you've tried it" mouse shrugged, clearly pretending to be unbothered by their opinions.

"So, guess who sent me an email yesterday" Ella sighed. They both looked at her cluelessly before shrugging in defeat.

"Watson" she finally nodded at them.

"What? Really? I thought he was still deployed?" Mouse sat up.

"Apparently he had to take medical leave" she shrugged. Both jay and mouse sent each other shocked glares.

"What'd he say?" Jay nodded curiously.

"He just said about what had happened and that it'd be nice for us all to meet up again" she laughed it off. Mouse rolled his eyes.

"All he wanted to do what get inside your pants, I doubt that's changed" mouse scoffed.

"Greg!" Both jay and Ella exclaimed in shock.

First name mean business.

"What? I'm only stating the obvious" mouse laughed, defending his ego.

"TMI" Ella laughed and stood up. 

Jay shot mouse a small smirk but shook his head, I mean, he's not wrong.

She walked into the kitchen to grab some more beers for them then returned and handed the beverages over. 

"You wanna talk about what's going on?" Mouse changed the topic to why they were really hanging out tonight.

"Not really" she shook her head and took a bite out of the pepperoni pizza she was sharing with jay.

"When did it start getting bad again?" Jay sat up, sending mouse a sympathetic nod in the process.

"I don't know, maybe at the start of the week. I don't think I've had a nightmare free night yet, my watch stops tracking my sleep after a few hours of being awake" she shrugged.

"You talked to anyone about it? Medication even?" Mouse nodded understandably, they all go through it from time to time.

"I stopped seeing my therapist months ago, and I stopped taking my meds when it got better last time" she raised her eyebrows.

"You should maybe rearrange the appointments again, it might help?" jay smiled weakly.

"I don't know, it just makes me embarrassed going to them. You know, I feel like a spare piece after talking to her. If I say it out loud, it's real, and I can't face that..." she shrugged as her cheeks flushed red a little bit, she hung her head low to hide it from the pair.

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