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*two months later*

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*two months later*

"Nobody said that mouse..." Ella laughed and threw a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"Really? Because I recall a certain somebody telling me that the euro tunnel was in fact see through" mouse nodded his head to jay.

Jay opened his mouth in fake offence.

"Maybe I did, but hey... that's on you for being a gullible asshole" he added.

Mouse scoffed and threw his jacket at jay.

"Cut it out you two, some people are trying to watch this press call here" Kim raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, what Kim said" Ella smirked.

Both jay and mouse playfully rolled their eyes and shook their heads before rolling closer to the makeshift TV they had set up on Kevin's computer screen.

They all shifted in their seats which resulted in Ella nearly falling off of Vanessas desk, luckily jay was sat on his chair next to her so she leant on it to sturdy herself.

"What is this? Ten in a bed?" She laughed. 

They all shared a giddy laugh before smiling apologetically at her. 

Ella got off the corner of the desk and sat on the arm of jays spinning chair instead, it was comfier.  She kept her eyes glued on the computer screen but held the bag open for jay to take some popcorn from the bag.

He looked up at her little action and smiled discreetly before taking a handful of popcorn from the bag, he smiled again when he saw the look of concentration across her face, but she hadn't looked at him once.

"What a prick..." Adam scoffed at the screen.

"He's a sadistic son of a bitch, what do you expect?" Kevin raised his eyebrows.

"A sexist one too" Ella threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth. Jay watched in awe with his chin tilted up a little, he was only listening to her, no one else, not even the commissioner on the news.

Kim and Vanessa nodded in agreement before they all fell silent again.


"I think we'd have made more of our lives from watching paint dry than listening to that clown" mouse sighed and rolled his chair over.

The speech was over now and they expected nothing less, of course he wasn't going to defund the intelligence unit, the city would collapse without it.

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