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*two months later*

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*two months later*

"Mouse! Jesus. It wasn't like that" Ella laughed as mouse over exaggerated a memory from their time in the rangers. 

"It so was" mouse wiggled his eyebrows.

"Jay, tell them it wasn't like that" she looked over at her partner. 

"You see, I would... But it kinda was" jay shrugged.

"You two are so dramatic" Ella stood up and laughed, maybe she's in denial, but it definitely didn't happen like that.

"Mmhmm" jay nodded with an amused head nod.

"What've we got today?" Kevin sat up as hank wandered into the bullpen empty handed.

"So far, paperwork I'm afraid" the Sargent sighed.

They all shared audible groans before wheeling themselves over to their desks, so not fun for a Friday morning...


"Jay? You good?!" Ella yelled over the continuous rounds of bullets firing around the room.

"I'm good!" He called out from behind the couch.

Suddenly, the unit burst through the door, saving the pair before anymore tragedy could strike.

Jay rolled out from the couch and stood up as Ella slowly stumbled to her feet, brushing the debris off of her vest.

The pair shot each other small nods to confirm that that were indeed alive and well, before joining the unit.

Jay had a look of sorrow on his face as he stepped out of the way to let the dead body of a young boy passed.

"You couldn't have saved him, jay..." Ella placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I definitely could've..." he shook his head and left the house in a hurry. 

Ella watched sadly as her partner wandered off to be alone, probably beating himself up over something he couldn't have prevented.


"Have you guys seen jay anywhere?" Mouse wandered into the bullpen in confusion. Both jay and Ella were missing from their desks.

"El went to go check on him" Kevin nodded.

"What happened?" Mouse folded his arms.

"A kid got shot up and jay was stood next to him before it happened. They were talking it out, but the gang got into the house before we did. The boy didn't make it, I think jays blaming himself for it" Kim explained.

"Right, got it. Thanks" mouse nodded before swivelling on his feet and heading back down the stairs, he knows exactly where to look.

As mouse stumbled outside onto the parking lot behind the district, he immediately heard the familiar voices to his right.

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