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The sounds of gunfire in the near distance never phased anyone, nor did the sound of yelling Sargents, however the silence did, it was too eerie

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The sounds of gunfire in the near distance never phased anyone, nor did the sound of yelling Sargents, however the silence did, it was too eerie.

Jay strolled out of the barrack to see his two best friends being complete weirdos.

"What're you guys doing?" He stopped in his tracks.

"We're both pregnant, mouse is 24 weeks and I'm 22" Ella shrugged as herself and mouse stood side on, staring at their bellies in the mirror.

Jay furrowed his brows.

"What?" He shook his head.

"Food babies" mouse huffed, his military gear restricting his range of movement.

Jay nodded, right...

"You can be the godfather" Ella huffed and flopped down on the floor.

"Wow thanks, I've always wanted to be the godfather to a cookie" he joined the pair on the floor.

Both mouse and Ella let out loud chuckles before their Sargent interrupted their peace.


"Yo, who's been baking?" Kevin strolled past the break room to see a plate of cookies sat on the table.

"Guess who" jay huffed.

"El?" Kevin sneaked inside to take one.

"Ding ding ding" jay nodded.

"You stealing all the cookies?" Ella wandered past them all.

"No way" Kevin shoved the rest of the snack into his mouth.  She laughed and watched as Kevin strolled away.

"Me and mouse were thinking pizza and the game at my place" jay threw a pen as the woman opposite him.  She luckily caught it and nodded.

"So my place at 7" he stood up to go grab another cookie.

She smiled and shook her head before continuing her paperwork.


"Mouse? Jay?" Ella wandered into jays apartment to see it empty and dark.

"Guys?" She added as she wandered into the kitchen.

"Mouse I saw your car out front, I know you're here" she sighed and set the pizza down. She furrowed her brows as she looked around.

Only for her to practically die of shock when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Scared you" mouse laughed and flicked the light on.

"Yeah, you did" she shot him a pissed glare. 

"It was my idea" jay joined the pair in the kitchen.

"Haha very funny" she slapped his arm. Jay laughed as mouse watched the pair, he knows how jay feels towards Ella...


"The game ended half an hour ago, you should've said if you wanted the last slice..." mouse huffed and shoved the last piece of pizza crust into his mouth. 

No response.

The smaller man looked up from the floor to see jay staring at Ella, who was asleep on the other side of the couch. 

"Oh man, you're whipped" mouse shook his head. 

"Huh?" Jay snapped his gaze away from Ella and stared down at mouse.

"It's painful watching you two" mouse shook his head again.

"What're you talking about?" Jay whispered.

"Nothing, nothing at all" mouse sighed and focused on the post game interviews on the tv. 

Jay continued staring at Ella, the way she was sleeping made his heart do a little flutter, she really is amazing...

*short chapter, Ik ;)  I'm just giving you a break before these next few chapters*

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