Chapter 1. The beginning

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A smile stretched onto my lips as I spotted Sideswipe. That mech is a true trouble maker. He's cute but no one can really stand him. At least, the guys can't stand him. He's horribly arrogant, but of an egoist and is always trying to get attention. He craves for it. Wherever he gets it, he will. He was making a fuzz with Ironhide about something silly. He didn't had to argue about it, but he did it anyway. Especially after Optimus grounded him for a week, Sideswipe is showing his signs of protest. 'Sideswipe... piss off,' Ironhide snapped and waved him off. The mech crossed his arms while steam emerged from his nose. Ironhide transformed and left the arrogant mech standing there to deal with his cranky self.

Sideswipe's doorwings moved violently up and down in aggression. He's pissed. I somewhere, deep down felt bad for him. People haven't been treating him really nice and they gossiped behind his back. Of course Sideswipe know, he's not stupid and that makes it all even sadder. The silvery twin transformed and parked before he activated his holoform. Like usual, he would sit on his hood, play games on his phone or when he's bored bother soldiers here in hanger. There's just one thing, people should never do, but they always do it and don't seem to learn from their mistake or share it with other people.

Hurting Sideswipe in anyway, mentally, physically, shame him, mock him off or prank him, he'll get revenge. He doesn't mind hitting someone or bully them. I think he has the right to stand up for himself but I also noticed so much frustration. I never had the courage to walk up to him. Not because I am scared but because I am shy. Plus, he's not really interested in girls drooling over him. The only reason he wants so girls is to frag one for a night and dumb her ass right away. It's more self interest so he can full fill his Teen urges. He's the true definition of a teen.

The main reason Optimus grounded him is because Sideswipe lies, deceives, tries too much alcohol, drugs even... goes too parties he shouldn't go. Optimus was worried and Sideswipe found it horribly annoying. He's really hard to handle. I turned back to my sketchbook, drawing his alt-mode. 'Still sitting here?' I smiled at Lennox. My dad was a good friend with Lennox, when he died, my mom ended up in a depression and killed herself. Lennox basically took me in.

I am the opposite of Sideswipe. I never got grounded, I did my chores, made my homework and got good grades. I did everything Sideswipe didn't or lacks off. 'Yeah, just drawing,' I said. Lennox looked at it hummed. 'I am going home, you stay here?' He asked. I nodded and got up, 'yeah, Jazz and I would have dinner together. He'll be back any minute,' Lennox embraced me. 'Alright, don't get yourself into trouble,' he warned. I smiled and watched him leave. I played a little with the lose braid.

I like to when my dark blonde hair is in a braid but loose. I've quite long hair, nearly reaching my butt so sometimes I liked to have it all together, especially during hot summer days.
When Jazz arrived, we walked off together. We chatted and reached the cafeteria. 'What did you draw?' Jazz asked as we sat down. I showed him latest drawing. 'Ah, Sideswipe... you never spoke to him, did you?' He asked before popping some food in his mouth. 'No, no...' I waved my hand dismissively. 'Why not? He doesn't bite,' he mocked. I gave him a look. 'Fine, he's not a roll model but he's not a bad mech. Just rebellious.'

I sighed softly. 'True...' I mumbled. Talking about the devil, the evil creature just strode in. Obviously, he wanted to play a card game but people walked up and left or they told him they were busy. 'He can't be on his own,' Jazz scoffed. 'I feel kinda bad...' Jazz laughed. 'Oh please, don't be. He's getting enough attention,' he mocked. Still, I saw something in his eyes. Sadness and frustration. Sideswipe sat down on his own, shuffling the cards.

'Shouldn't we join him?' I asked. Jazz rapidly shook his head. 'Nope. Well he stuck for hours and I don't have time,' he said firmly. I glanced at Sideswipe one more time. That evening, I was hanging out with Prowl, Optimus and Ratchet in the cafeteria, playing a card game. Sideswipe popped up in my head.

I laid my card down and smiled a little. 'Guess I am winning Prowl,' the mech snorted and gave me a look. 'You never won from me before,' he said and threw his card. 'Well, maybe I'll surprise you,' I joked. I had a very good and close bond with each one of them. The moment I got here, they basically took me in and treated me as one of their own.

I looked up when Ironhide uttered a low, annoyed growl. 'Can I join?' Sideswipe asked. 'Fuck off, Sideswipe,' Ironhide hissed. 'Easy, Ironhide,' Optimus grower and turned towards Sideswipe. 'Maybe another time,' Optimus replied. 'Why not?' He complained. 'Because we want a Sideswipe free evening,' Ratchet snapped. 'We already dealing with you nearly every minute of the day and you work on our nerves. Now piss off and don't be late tomorrow for your duties,' Prowl snarled. 'But—' Ironhide cut him off. 'Fuck off, Sideswipe!'

I flinched and so did Sideswipe. Although, his shock turned into anger. 'What are you going to do about it, old timer,' Sideswipe snarled, challenging him. I already saw this escalation, so I decided to step in. I got up, 'you know what Sideswipe, why don't we play a game?' I asked. He seemed surprised, 'unless you think you're going to lose.' The mech snorted, 'I am not gonna lose from a girl like you,' he stated arrogantly. 'I would love to see you try.'

He studied me. 'Alright, challenge accepted. What do I get if I win?' He questioned. 'Just the honor,' I said. He snorted, 'what do I get?' I asked. 'Nothing, because you'll lose anyway,' he stated. I laid my cards down and followed him, sitting down in front of him. 'What's your name?' He asked. 'Skyla, but you know because I've been living here for two years.'

He stopped shuffling. 'Yeah... of course I knew,' he mocked. I snorted, getting his attention. 'What?' He snapped. 'Nothing, nothing... you just keep surprising me,' he handed me some cards. 'Why?' He asked, still defensive. 'I like you, Sideswipe. We are the complete opposite of each other. You got too much of what I lack, you're just yourself.' He seemed to relax a little. 'I don't think we can stand each other for very long though. We would probably drive each other nuts.'

'You think?' He mocked. I nodded rapidly while laying a card down. 'Now stop talking and show me what you got,' he smirked. He won of course and it gave his ego a boost. 'Damn I am good,' he purred. I snorted. 'Let's play another game,' he stated. It wasn't a question. I played games with him for hours until it was 1 AM. Sideswipe was tired and so was I. I didn't even shower and went straight to bed.

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