Chapter 31. You're not leaving without me

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A shadow fell upon me. 'I am going to the party...' I didn't reply. 'So, I'll see you tomorrow,' he trailed off. 'Yeah, whatever.' I got up. 'You're not going to follow me?' He asked. I halted and turned around. 'No, because I realize you never change, so... have fun.' I waved him off. 'Don't be like this, Skylla. Come on.' He grabbed my arm and forced me to look at him. 'Don't be like this.' I shook my head and yanked my arm free. 'I am serious, Sideswipe. Just go. I have my own plans anyway,' I snapped. 'Like what?' He asked. 'Boring stuff. Things you don't understand.' He grasped my arm. 'Why don't you come with me?' He asked. 'Absolutely not. I am gonna pack and I'll see you after the weekend.' I ya Jed my arm free. 'Wait? What?! I swear if this is another trick—'

'I am serious. I am gonna leave for a couple of days and have a Sideswipe free weekend.' He crossed his arms. 'Yeah, right and cats can fly. I don't believe you. You're just trying to keep me here and I am not buying it,' he snapped. 'Alright, then you don't but Optimus and Lennox gave permission so... if you don't believe me, go ask them.' He blocked my way again. 'Where are you going? It's important for me to know where you are.' I stared at him and gritted my teeth. 'I am gonna do girl stuff.'
'On your own?!' He laughed I nodded. 'Yes, on my own.' He rolled his eyes. 'Yeah, that's not gonna happen. You're not leaving.'
'Says you? I don't need your damn permission, Sideswipe.' He tightly grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall. 'You're not gonna leave!' He snapped. I grunted and but my lip. 'Got it?'
'Fine, whatever. Now let me go.' I pushed him away. 'You understand?'

'Why exactly? You can go to your whore parties and be the playboy and frag everything with long legs and big boobs but I can't go to something relaxing and forget about for just two days?!' I shouted. He covered my mouth. 'We are not going to make a scene here, you hear me? I can do whatever I wanna do.'
'So do I, Sideswipe. I only need Prime's permission but I don't need yours,' I snapped. 'I am your damn guardian so watch your mouth,' he snapped and jabbed his finger in the center of my chest. 'Actually, I am yours. I saved your butt more then you ever saved mine.'

'Do you think Prime would let you go if he knows the truth? I got locked up for 7 days, remember? You think he'll let you go if he finds out you lied and got me punished for something I didn't do?'
I didn't reply. 'That's what I thought,' he snapped and pushed me. 'You're a jerk, Sideswipe. Don't have elsewhere to be? Your slutty party maybe? Be the biggest whore in the entire universe!?' I snapped and turned around. 'I am not. I am just enjoying myself and life and maybe you should try that as well.'

'Actually, I am enjoying life more then you do and it will start with my 'Sideswipe free' weekend. Something I planned months ago. It will be a pure blessing to not see your face for two days and don't have you complaining all the time.'
He growled but said nothing. I headed back to my room and started packing a few things and changed my clothing in jean shorts and black crop top. I locked my door and as I turned around I faced Sideswipe. 'You said two days but you packed for a week.' He pointed at my bag. 'A girl needs to be prepared, Sideswipe but seriously, go to your stupid party.' I passed him. 'No, I am not leaving until I know where you're going,' he stated. 'I am going to a wellness resort, Sideswipe.' He sprinted to walk next to me. 'A wellness resort?' he repeated. 'Yes, I am gonna get massages and try different sauna's and I don't have to think about you. You cause me headaches.'

'Hold on a second.' He blocked my way. 'I am causing you headaches? Seriously? What do you think you're doing to me?' he asked. I shrugged. He pinched the bridge of his nose. 'Why now? Like... I have to go and I can't baby sit you.' I crossed my arms. 'Excuse me? I don't need a baby sitter and I watching you more then you watch me. We are gonna go our seperate ways this weekend and I wish you luck with your stupid party. You're off my mind the entire weekend.'

'You think about me 24/7, you even dream about me and don't deny it because you already confessed it once. This is not gonna happen... a wellness? Where people walk around nakes all day? You packed too much for that.' He pointed at the bag near my feet. 'Yeah, it's not a place for you, that for sure. Can I go now? You need to go too, otherwise you'll be late and I am pretty sure Jada is gonna be really mad and cry somewhere in a corner because she wanted to suck your dick an hour ago. Now, leave me alone.' I pushed him aside. 'Hey! Are you on your period or something?' he mocked, following me. 'You can't get me off your mind. You want me there.'

'No, I don't.'
'Yes, you do.'
'I wanna come.'
'You have a party.'
'I refuse to let you go alone.'
'Don't you get it? I don't want you with me.'

Sideswipe clenched his jaws. 'I want to be alone. Without you.' He shook his head. 'Fine...' he stepped aside and gestured for me to pass. 'Have fun.' I picked up my bag. 'Yeah, you too,' he grumbled. I took the train and arrived two hours later. I looked around the room. It was nice and better than I had expected. I shut the door and looked around. I sat down on the bed and looked around. Sideswipe popped up for a moment but I banished it from my mind. no. I won't let him ruin this weekend too. I won't be thinking about him. I stared at my phone. One phonecall. Just to make sure he's not doing anything stupid. I dialed his number and waited for a response.

'Skylla? Miss me already?' He mocked. I heard music on the background. 'I don't miss you, Sideswipe,' I scowled. 'No? Alright, what's the matter? Is Megatron chasing you around?' he mocked. 'No, that's not why I am calling... I am calling because...' I stopped for a second. 'Yeah?' he asked. 'Because I forgot to... take out the laundry from the washmachine, could you... take it and lay it in the sink when you get the change?' A silence fell. 'You forgot your laundry and you ask me from all the mechs and femmes at the base to take it out? Shouldn't you ask your buddy, Mirage?' he asked to confirm. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 'You're right, I will call him.' He sighed. 'I will take it out when I get back as the base,' he said. 'Thanks...'

A silence fell. 'And...' I trailed off. He hummed. '... Maybe when I get back we could have a drink somewhere? Or lunch...' I trailed off. 'Or... if you give me the location where you are I could come over and spend the weekend together and forget about the laundry,' he said. 'And bicker all the time?' I asked. 'Hmm, just take out my laundry, alright?' I asked. 'Yeah, sure... whatever.' He disconnected the call.

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