Chapter 27. A trap

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Sideswipe and I hadn't spoken to each other anymore. In fact, we barely saw each other. For me it was hard but I guess Sideswipe was happy about it. I looked up as a shadow fell upon me. Skids flashed me a nervous smile. 'Hey, Skyla. How are you doing?' He sat down. 'I am fine. What do you want? I feel like you want something from me,' I said. 'Oh no, I just saw you sitting here and I was curious how you are doing,' he said. 'I am fine.'
'Good, are you up to something?' I narrowed my eyes. Skids never asked that kind of questions. 'Why do you ask?' I slightly cocked my head to the side. He shrugged. 'Just curious, that's all.'


'But uhm... are you up to something?' He asked. 'I am going to have dinner with Mirage tonight but other than that nothing special,' I replied. 'Mirage, huh?' I hummed. 'Is that a problem?' He shook his head rapidly. 'No, no... of course not.' I popped some food in my mouth. 'You just seem to be very close to him.'
'He's my best friend. Of course we're close. He's my partner in crime.' I forced a smile on my face. After Sideswipe and I started talking, Mirage probably started to find me a victim. He started spending more time with me than he has ever done before but I guess we both enjoyed it and I really needed a friend. Someone who actually liked me the way I am and doesn't argue about Sideswipe or calls me boring.

'Anything else...?'

He shook his head again. 'No, that's it.' Skids got up. I am pretty sure he's going to bring report out to Sideswipe. Somehow, he still wanted to know how I am doing but is too much of a coward to ask me himself. I got up and searched for Mirage. 'Skids just came to ask me how I am doing. He never does that.'
'Yeah, and someone is keeping an optic on you. Guess who,' Mirage mocked. I shut the door of his office. 'You wanna challenge, Sideswipe?' He added with a smirk. I sat down. 'Sideswipe is a world class jerk. For insulting you and being a cowards. So how about we stretch his patients a little bit. What would you feel for a date tonight. Instead of just... dinner?'

'A date? Well, well... sounds pretty good.'
'I will spread the rumor and see what happen. Although, I don't think there isn't much needed to spread the rumor once Skids knows.' I smirked. He got up. 'Perhaps we can also spread the rumor that I am taking over guardianship from Sideswipe. Apparently, he still likes you enough to not do that. He was planning on doing it anyway but I talked him out of it.' I snorted and rolled my eyes. Of course Sideswipe wanted it.

Dino's rumor spread like a wildfire. It was insane. Even Optimus got to know about it. Although, I think he knows it's a set up because he didn't seem to take it too serious. While I was waiting to have this 'date' with Mirage. Dino was spying on Sideswipe and apparently, he was falling for it. The mech was restless and frustrated. I wasn't sure if I was surprised or not.

At 7 PM, I reached the hanger. It was supposed to be a 'quiet' hanger, not many bots park here but Sideswipe was one of the few to be here. Mirage kissed the back of my hand. I guess we were more excited for Sideswipe's reaction than the actual date, we aren't romantically interested in each other, but we are going to have a fun evening anyway. 'You look absolutely beautiful, ragazza.' He leaned closer towards me and pressed a kiss on my cheek. 'You're ready to go, mi amore?' He opened the door for me. 'Thank you.'

I hopped in and buckled up. 'You think he'll follow?' I asked as Mirage drove off. He chuckled. 'Definitely. He's already on my tailpipe.'
He parked and wrapped his arm around my waist. It was a chique restaurant. Lennox has business dinners here and it's too expensive for Sideswipe to afford. Especially now he's bankrupt. He still had to give me back some money.

We sat down next the window. 'Sideswipe seemed to be really agitated and upset about the fact we have a date and he might lose his guardianship over you,' he said smirking.

Dinner went smoothly. We had fun. After dinner, we headed outside and before I could hop in Mirage's alt-mode, the spy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in a quite passionate kiss. His hands moved to my ass and gave me a good squeeze. I uttered a groan.

He pulled away. 'What are you doing!' The yell came from Sideswipe. He pushed Mirage against his alt-mode. 'What the hell do you think you're doing?! Kissing her? Why don't you just rip her clothes off and frag her!' He screamed. I looked around in embarrassment. 'You're coming with me and what the hell are you wearing? It shows way to much thigh. Are you pretending to be a whore?!' Dino and I both didn't comment. Sideswipe stepped back. 'Don't you have anywhere else to be? In bed maybe with a girl that's your type?' Mirage asked after a few minutes. The awkward silence was killing.

'No... I uh...' Sideswipe glanced at me. 'And you got mad at spying on you, huh?' I mocked. 'It wasn't like that, okay? I was just passing by and—' he cut himself off. 'No, you followed us since the beginning. You know he's a spy, right?' I pointed at Mirage. Sideswipe's face heated up. I never thought I would ever see him blush. 'Anyway, I have to go. Mirage is going to take me home...' I said. 'No, you're driving with me.' Sideswipe pointed at his alt-mode.

'Since when? Why would she? Because you've treated her so nicely? You didn't like her since the beginning, so...' Mirage trailed off. 'Well, I am still het guardian,' he stated in a matter-of-fact tone. I snorted. 'For now.' Sideswipe shot Mirage a nasty glare. 'Are you coming?' Mirage wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 'Skyla...' I glanced at Sideswipe. 'What is it, Sideswipe? I am too boring for you so go find your type.'
'I take that back. You're not boring.'
'Right, we'll... I gotta go.' I hopped in Dino's alt-mode and buckled up.

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